Tyler Jackson Shiflet was born on Friday July 13, 2007. My sweet, last baby boy, is already in his "terrible two's", and has been for about 2 months. He throws tantrums when he doesn't get what he wants, he yells "mine" to his brother and sister, he hits, he bites, he screams, and he lays face down on the floor in protest. Austin and Katelyn never went through "terrible two's", they saved it all for their 4's. But Tyler is Mr. Independent.
I have to say that he is a joy, and a pleasure, even through the messes, and tantrums. He is a sweet cuddle bug, who loves to give kisses and hugs. He is very smart, and notices everthing around him. You can see how much he is trying to figure things out all the time. He says just about everything now, and is already learning to count in english and spanish (thanks to his sister), and learning some of his colors. He is a cherub. I love him so very very much, and still cry when I think about his first 10 days of life in the hospital in an oxygen bubble. I am so grateful that I have him here to love.
I love his blonde hair, and big blue eyes. I love his sweet little disposition, and his quirky fashion sense (you'll see from the pics). Tyler has such a kind heart, he loves every member of our family, and extended family. He loves to walk around with just a diaper (yes, he has many pairs of pants and shorts, he just doesn't like wearing them), shoes, hat and sunglasses. He loves all of his stuffed animals, and holds them gently, and calls them "cute". He loves to watch Shrek and Blue's Clue's. He loves to build with mega blocks, and color, and throw balls. He learned in the last week to swim with just arm floaties on, and loves, loves, loves the water (he definately has to be watched)! He loves to talk on the phone, especially to his Mimi. He wants to have everyone's keys (although, he still doesn't know why he can't stick them in an outlet)!
Tyler has definately grown into a "daddy's boy", and wants to go everywhere in daddy's "tchuck" (truck). He tries to be big and strong like daddy, and loves to move furniture, any kind that will move. He loves to play with his daddy's tools, and has gotten them all out a time or two. He also wants to eat anything daddy eats. He is Jeff's little protege! I love him with all my heart! I tried to narrow the pics down to 24, but there are too many cute ones, and this is mostly for me anyway, so too bad!
He had a collapsed lung, and had to stick a needle in his chest to suck out the air around his lungs, and then they did what they call a nitrogen flush, which kept him on oxygen for another week.
(Money shot...I'm sure I'll pay for this one later!)
First time in the grass
"Can I help you with the dishes?"
"I wanna be a big kid too!"
"Hey baby, I know I look cool!"
He is such a joy to our whole family, and I can't help but smile when I look at him. We all love and adore him! Happy Birthday my sweet little BooBoo, TyTy, Little Guy, Lovey, Pickle, TJ, and Tyler Jackson!