Sunday, August 2, 2009

3rd Annual Shiflet Family Reunion

So, about 3 years ago, Jeff's family decided to start having an annual Arvin (jeff's dad) Shiflet Family Reunion. It is just all of his brothers and sisters, and all of their children.
Every year one of the 6 kids is in charge of it, and this year it was our turn. So, Jeff and I decided that we would have it on Saturday, August 1st. We planned to go tube the Salt River in the morning, and then come back to our house for a Hawaiian Luau.
We planned the menu (sorry, no pics) - hawaiian haystacks, pork, fruit salad (jeff carved out a watermelon with a cool design, and put the fruit inside), hawaiian sweet rolls, and hawaiian flavored desserts.
We planned the games - hula hooping contests, limbo contests, fire stick dance (hilarious), and poi ball contest.
We planned the decorations, and the music. We even had my nephew Jason's friend come, and he is from Ouahu. I know I am going to butcher this, but his name was Kanavi (I already know its wrong). Anyway, he dances at the Polonesian Center in hawaii, and he did a genuine dance for us. It was really really cool!
The only thing that we did not count on is that Jeff would be sick as a dog, and that I would have had a gall bladder attack the night before and the day of, and that I would have broken my baby toe! So, we did not end up going to the Salt River with the rest of the family. We spent the day trying to do last minute things, and getting a new perscription for Jeff (as he had had an allergic reaction to the first antibiotic he'd been on the night before). We couldn't have done any of it without Jeff's mom's help. She made the day possible, so thanks Arva!

I really don't have a ton of pics because I was busy going back and forth, and so I left the pics up to Jeff. Overall, inspite of the few minor set backs we had, it turned out great! We had a lot of fun, and hope that everyone else did as well. And now we are done until 2015! Yea! Thank you to all of you for coming and helping with the clean up. We love you all so much!

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