Monday, August 2, 2010

Alma 27-29

Quote "True converts are those who "listen to the teachings and testimonies of missionaries and change their lives, leaving the past behind them, and moving forward into a new life."
~President Hinckley
Question "What is zeal? What difference does it make to have "zeal towards God"?"
Zeal is faithfulness, honesty, exactness in keeping the commandments, and doing it with great pleasure! In other words, having no other desire other than doing that which is right and pleasing to God.
I think zeal makes a great difference when you are talking about our attitudes toward God. We can go to church and keep the commandments, and do all that which is required, and receive blessings for our obedience, and still miss the big picture of why we do it all. I think when you add zeal into the mix, you are always consciously thinking about who our Savior is, what He has done for us, and want to do every possible thing you can to show Him that you are willing to do whatever it takes to be faithful and loyal to Him, and show Him gratitude through righteous living.
The people of Ammon were known for their "zeal towards God", that they were completely honest in all of their dealings. Can you imagine a land like that today? Where no one was trying to get ahead by charging a little extra, or selling things that they know will break, or no theft or robbery, no politicians making empty promises and trying to get gain. That sounds pretty great to me!

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