Friday, July 30, 2010

Alma 24-26

Quote "As children of God we are somebody. He will build us, mold us, and magnify us if we will but hold our heads up, our arms out, and walk with him. What a great blessing to be created in his image and know of our true potential in and through him! What a great blessing to know that in his strength we can do all things!"
~Elder Marvin J. Ashton
Question "What do you think some of the "mighty miracles" may be that the Lord will work through you?"
This is tricky to answer. I fear that any answer I may give may come across as vain and prideful, but to deny the miracles of the Lord would be worse....I know that I of myself am not responsible for any great works, but everything good I have done has been a direct result of the Lord. I don't know if the Lord has or will used me for any "mighty" miracles, but I have seen and been a part of miracles.
I believe that the gift of life is a growing and giving birth to my children is a miracle to me. Also, the opportunity to raise them and teach them the truth in all things opens the door many types and chances for miracles all the time.
I was never a missionary, but I give full credit to missionaries because I believe them to be daily instruments in the miracles of the Lord. No, you don't have to be a full-time missionary to teach or share the Gospel, but I have not personally been the instrument for anyone's conversion as of yet. (Still holding out hope though). I do teach gospel principals daily to my in that regard I am an instrument.
I believe that small acts of services can bring about miracles through the direct guidance of the spirit. I have heard and seen experiences where people were going through difficult things, and prayed for help and comfort, and later that day, there would be a knock on the door from someone who answered that prayer. I'm not sure if I've ever been that person or not, but hopefully I will be at some point.
I also believe that miracles happen through priesthood blessings. Even though I don't hold the priesthood, my faith supports the priesthood, and I always encourage blessings to be given, because I believe in their power.
I'm never going to be a prophet, but I don't believe I have to be, to be used as an instrument in the hands of the Lord. I have witnessed miracles, and maybe that will be my only part in the Lord's plan...just to testify that I have seen them, I have witnessed them, I know that they are real. I feel like Ammon, and cannot say enough about the goodness of God, and all that He has done for His children. Miracle after miracle, by any definition, they are right there in front of us! He loves us, and He wants us to return to live with Him. And gives us these miracles, some small, and some mighty, to build our faith, that we will have a greater desire to draw closer to Him, and to strive harder to do what He has asked, so that we will be able to return to Him.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

I came across your blog threw my cousins megans. I realy enjoyed it. I love reading threw all of it. Very good. Thanks for helping out with your words.