Thursday, July 1, 2010

Alma 12-13

Quote "God has saved for the final inning some of His strongest and most valiant children...Make no mistake about it - you are a marked generation. There has never been more expected of the faithful in such a short period of time than there is of us...The final outcome is certain - the forces of righteousness will finally win. But what remains to be seen is where each of us personally, now and in the future, will stand in this battle - and how tall we will stand. Will we be true to...our foreordained mission?
~President Ezra Taft Benson
Question "To what callings do you think you've been foreordained?"
Hard question for me. The only thing I feel foreordained to personally, is motherhood. I may have other things, but that is all that comes to mind for me. Well, I guess I was a foreordained "Christian", but we all were since we all chose to follow Jesus and come to this Earth. I am far from living as a prophet.
I do believe I will be on the righteous side to the battle, I guess I already feel like every day I'm on the righteous side to the battle, despite my faults and sins, I believe in Jesus Christ. I want to do better, and I want to be better. I don't think I would ever feel worthy enough, or like I'm doing everything right.....the more right or good I do, the more I realize I need to do better.
I hope when my mission is over I will be able to look back, and marvel that I was able to accomplish it.....that's a really hard thing for me to imagine in my self-critical body! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of something in the news that happened awhile back and I think they talked about it in Lani's seminary class before school got out. There was a shooting that happened at a high school and the kid who had the gun was in the classroom and he asked for those who were christians to stand up and only two stood up without hesitation and those two were the only ones who were shot or they were the first to get shot and they were killed. I remember the story affected Lani and it has left a mark in me, also when she told me becuase it was like, the two was asked if they denied Heavenly father and Jesus Christ and they automatically stood up and claimed with their faithfulness to their God. Alma is talking about it, too. Would I stand up and fight for HIM and claim him. Of all the things I have been given, why wouldn't I but thats just talking about..would that pivotal moment come where I am faced with such issue, would I automatically rise and proclaim my faithfulness. I can't sing, I don't have any other talents, so my foreordained calling, I believe, was to be a chosen mother. To be a mother to HIS children to lead them and guide them with unconditional love and comfort to hold on to the iron rod, to stay on that straight and narrow path, it is a calling hard to fill because I am not as consistent as I need to be. Sometimes I allow the things on here on earth to stray me and my callings and I have no one to blame but my self. I have a testimony of HIS church and I know I was willing to take on my given trials here on earth, but knowing that it is my responsibility to watch over HIS children, it is a great burden to carry. But, what's amazing in all this is that I can kneel and pray with my Heavenly Father for guidance and direction and comfort and peace and strength to be an example. I know I will stand on the righteous side and fight against Satan and his followers.