Thursday, February 25, 2010

Pinewood Derby

This year was Austin's first Pinewood Derby. It was a lot of fun. Jeff worked very hard "helping" Austin with his car. In all fairness, I will say that I overheard many conversations between Austin and his dad over what the car would look like. Austin did draw out what he wanted, and picked the colors (painted after the Dallas Cowboys). And of course, every great race car has to have a name, so we named it "Cowboy". Anyway, even though Austin's car didn't win, it did great, and we all had a very fun time. And our Committee Chair, Sue Roberts, did an outstanding job on giving awards to all of the boys who participated, and making them all feel thanks to Sue.

Proud Papa with his baby (and Austin too!) hehehe
Cowboy posing in front of the 1st place trophy for luck!
KT wishing her big bro luck...(she's the best cheerleader)
Here's the competition!
Cowboy is the front row all the way to the left...dark blue w/ silver stripes
It is awesome to see what some of the boys came up with!
Cowboy being loaded up in the right lane!
Austin won an award for best paint job which included a cool race car sun catcher.
Tyler hardly cared about the races, he wanted the cupcakes!!!!
He crammed 3 cupcakes into his mouth before I even got the camera out! PIGGY!

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