Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Refreshing Behavior!

So, this morning I get up, and for the first time EVER, Austin has gotten up, gotten himself dressed, made his own breakfast, did his own hair, and did everything for himself before I even got up....WOW!

I realize that for a lot of you moms, 8 may seem like a late age to do this, but I've never forced my kids to be that independent, I've always done everything for them...pick out their clothes, do their hair, make all their this was a very big deal to me! Especially since, Austin and I have had some run-ins over his behavior lately. It makes me feel really good to know that this great kid is still in there, and I hope I can remember that the next time...... :)


Anonymous said...

summer your kids are good examples, I've sat behind you all during sacrament...I remember when I was in primary, katie was bugging austin and he didn't even say anything, just sat there. I looked over to katie and austin just turns around and says, oh its okay she does to me all the time...i'm like can you come and tell my boys that..if one person starts something the screaming and pinching and arguing starts...I was very impressed with Austin that day and I'll never forget it. and it's because he comes from goodly parents! love ya girl!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, when the not so morning person Amber did this I was floored! I wish it lasted longer than a day or 2 at a time! Here's to hoping there are more mornings like that!

Miss Sue said...

You will because he is and you have done a Great job with this independent little spirit.