Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Alma 10-11

Quote "What a comfort to know that all who have been disadvantaged in life from birth defects, from mortal injuries, from disease, or from the natural deterioration of old age will be resurrected in 'proper and perfect frame'"
~Elder Dallin H. Oaks
Question "How does it bring you hope knowing that because of Christ we will all live again?"
Well, it definitely makes this life more bearable, and more just. It doesn't seem fair that so many have to live with harder things to deal with than others. It's also necessary for this world to hold challenges and hard things.....for without the hardships....there would be no gratitude for the good. All things in balance, good and evil, happiness and grief, etc... .
So, it is part of our mortal testing to go through these things here...but oh, the joy that comes with the knowledge that our loved ones are not just unfairly tormented. The knowledge that they are in a perfect form, free from pain, deformity, and completely whole....is joyful! It brings me great comfort to know that I have two perfect sisters on the other side of the veil. The next time I see them, they will be vibrant, healthy, beautiful, glorious and happy!
This is the greatest gift from our Heavenly Father....our bodies. As imperfect as they are on this earth, they are necessary for our progression. And after this life, they will be full of glory and light. We will be eternally grateful for them.


Anonymous said...

it certainly gives me something to look forward to. it is something my children look forward to. knowing that alone, is motivation to take on the next step, to move on to the next day and like you said..makes it bearable to carry on....my children and I are here with such testimony because of that...miracles happen everyday in my life since this single motherhood journey and it is all because of Heavenly Father and the Atonement of his only begotten son.

The Shiflet Family said...

Well said Lina. I know that this topic is closest to those in situations like yours, where you rely on this comfort daily to make it through. Your family is such a strong example to the rest of us, I'm sorry you had to gain your testimony this way, but grateful that you have it....it is strong! Love ya!