Monday, January 26, 2009

January Update!

I don't know about any of you, but Feb is looking like the beginning to my New Year. I don't know what happened in January, but I am glad there are only a few days left. So instead of dwelling on the negative, these are the positives that happened the last two weeks...

Katie got her new glasses!

Finally, a pair that fits and stays on properly!
(I know the hair looks funky in the pic, it looked cute in person)

And this is her eyeglass cute is that!!! She loves this little purse!

Also, Jeff got his annual gardening bug...

He got our 2 garden boxes planted and ready to go (I can't wait for that deliciousness!)

AJ of course got to help out his dad and is showing off his proud work
(These are our tomato and broccoli seedlings)

Jeff tillin' up the garden, getting it ready...what a man!

And after the work...of course comes football....
(At least until the football went over the fence, followed by a large rock, and a lecture from the neighbor)

There was also lots of "male-bonding" time

Ty is already obsessed with video games

Hugs before brother goes to school

Who needs their springhorse when there's a daddy around???

Night-night lovies for Austin...awww how sweet!!

And of course, Ty has to make sure his daddy brushes his teeth

(I sure am proud of my boys!)

And yesterday was the most excitement of all...

Austin lost tooth #4 (sufferin' succotash!)

I can't wait to see how much money I get!!!!!!!

And that about sums up the past few weeks. I will try to be more consistant so that these blogs aren't so long.


BeckyinQC said...

I think Katie is absolutely the cutest in those glasses! And I love the picture of Austin and Tyler hugging. Austin's expression on his face says how much he loves his brother. That is priceless!

The Slider Family said...

Katie looks darling in her glasses! The pictures of the boys are precious...what sweet brothers! I can't believe you are getting your garden ready. As I am writing, the snow is falling down up here. We have a while until it is garden planting time!:)