Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A Day to Remember!

I am so very grateful for the sweet spirit that I felt at Austin's baptism on Saturday. It was such an awesome experience for me, words can't even describe. The day was beautiful!
I started off my day going to Lanee's Legacy Pancake Breakfast. It was such a great turn out, and it was a very well-planned event. There were lots of things for kids to do, and every few minutes they were giving away raffle prizes. I am so proud of Becky, and her whole team for all of their hard work....it certainly paid off ladies!!!
After the breakfast, I rushed home to get my kids ready for the baptism. We so appreciate everyone that came (especially those that had to drive far). I have to say from the second I saw Austin in white, the tears were streaming, and I felt so happy to be there, and so blessed to have such a sweet, and faithful child. All 3 boys there that day were darling, and I am proud of all of them! Merriann gave a beautiful prayer, and then Lolo gave the BEST talk on baptism, and she focused a lot on being a disciple of Jesus Christ, and what that means. Then the baptisms took place. I can't talk about that moment, it is too special to me.
After the baptisms, the boys were confirmed members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. When I was watching this ordinance take place, it struck me, how every boy had to have the exact same ordinance done. They all had to have priesthood holders lay their hands upon the boys heads, and confirm them. And even though the same ordinance happened three times in a row, it was still so personal for each one of them. They each received a personal blessing, and an acknowledgement that their Heavenly Father knows each one of them, and loves each one of them. That is something that I love so deeply about our church. I love the way it is set up the same all over the world, and yet, it is so personal for each person, and we are individually entitled to our own personal revelations. I just love it so much!
After the baptism was over, all of the family went over to Ironwood Crossings park to have some pizza, and cake, and play. The weather was PERFECT! It was so much fun! Everyone that went, had a great time, and I was so grateful for that!
This was definitely a day that I always want to treasure. I hope that I will never forget, and more importantly, I hope that Austin will never forget!
My heart has been so full with gratitude. Where would I be....what would my life, and my children's lives be right now....without the brave young boy known as Joseph Smith. A young boy that had the courage to get down on his knees and ask a simple question...."which of these churches is correct?" I love Joseph Smith. I love that he lived his life in complete obedience to the Lord, whether he understood why or not. And above everything else, I love my Savior, Jesus Christ. I love that I know Him. I love that I know what He did for me. I hope that my children will come to know Him, and appreciate all that He has done for them. I hope that I can live my life to reflect the gratitude that I have for Him, and live worthy to receive the many blessings He gives!

Austin & his Dad before the big event!

Quick Family Pic

Austin & his Daddy in whites

Austin & his Aunt Lolo

Austin & his Grandma

"The Cake"


MelissaMichelle said...

COngrats to Austin! I'm so happy for your cute family.

Miss Sue said...

Now that was a special day for sure!