Thursday, October 1, 2009

Baptism Announcements

I have to say that I am so excited about Austin's baptism. Things are progressing along with planning it. My good friend Becky took me and Austin out, and got these awesome pics of him. We were eaten alive by mosquitoes, but it was so worth it! Anyway, I looked at a lot of different announcements, and came up with this idea, and think it came out so cute! So if you see this, and get one in the mail, I'm sorry, I'm just really excited!

I told Austin to kneel down like Joseph Smith, and try to imagine what he was thinking about when he had his first vision. After the pictures were done, he said "mom, I was really trying to think about Joseph Smith", and I think it shows in this precious picture.
I'm only showing the front side...the back has more pics with all of the personal details, that I don't want to share on here. Anyway, it is going to be so awesome, that I am already getting teary-eyed every day just thinking about it! Here are some of the other pictures she took that day...



Brenda said...

He is SO handsome!!! He looks like a mini missionary...LOVE it! You are a wonderful mother and such a good example for me. Good luck with all the prep work...Baptisms are the BEST!

Anonymous said...

ahhh...I need to get on the ball with getting Simon's pictures...oh my gosh..where did time go???

BTW..he looks so peaceful and full so spirit..very handsome!!!

IandS said...

Great pictures - we are so excited for your family and the other boys.

The Slider Family said...

Wow! What a beautiful sweet. Becky did a great job on the pictures. Wish we could be there for it. Tell Austin that Karley and I are thinking about him.

Miss Sue said...

Summer, that is one studdly little man you have on your hands. My oh My. what a cutie. The announcement looks amazing!