Tuesday, September 22, 2009

1 Mess, 2 Mess, Red Mess, Blue Mess

I can't tell you how many messes in a day Tyler makes. Only parents who have young children know how hard it can be. So lately, instead of being irritated, or frustrated, I've really been trying to focus on enjoying the moments, and laughing at the situation. I mean, I can keep a perfect house again when my children have all grown up and moved on, right? So, right now, I need to remember that stuff is just stuff, and feelings are more important. Anyway, I thought I would share a FEW of these "memorable" moments.
So last night was:
dinner (check)
fold laundry (check)
help kids with homework (check)
put laundry away
Somewhere in between #3 and 4 this happened...I knew he was being too quiet!
Tyler walks over to me like this covered in white slime??? "What is all over you", I asked.
"I opened up a new bottle of shampoo and gave the table and laundry a bath, Mommy!"
(no, he didn't actually say that it was more like "mommy, meths."

This next one is not for the easily grossed out. The other day, I fed Tyler a pink and blue Trix yogurt. A few minutes later, he threw up, all over himself, and his shirt was covered in it. I had to get his shirt off of him, and I couldn't resist the end result.....too funny.

Gross, I know, but when you have to clean this stuff up, you can either cry, kick, and scream....or....you can laugh your head off and make the best of it! That will teach me to feed my children blue food!

1 comment:

The Slider Family said...

The pictures are disgusting, but I love them! Too funny! I love all the pics of Austin. He just keeps getting more handsome.