Friday, September 11, 2009

Always Remembering....

I will never forget getting a phone call from Jeff's mom right around 7am on September 11, 2001. She said that a plane had hit the World Trade Center. Jeff went on his mission to New York, and was there for the first bombing of the World Trade Center, and he immediately turned on the news. We sat and watched in horror for the next several hours, including watching the second plane hit, and the collapse of both towers. Even now, I can't think about that day, without overwhelming emotion. I can't even imagine the suffering of those family members that had to watch their loved ones lose their lives on the news.
I have a very deep love for this country. I love our Founding Fathers, and what they did to establish this Great Nation! I do not think that things are as original and pure as they were in the beginning, but it is still the Greatest Nation on Earth...and there is no where else I would rather live.
I am so proud of our military, and am so very grateful for their service, to stand up and fight. I hope that every time every American looks at our beautiful flag, and sings the inspired words of the National Anthem, that they will feel the pride in their country, that so many have given their lives for.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin

When I sent my kids off to school today, I was so proud of my little Americans. They weren't even born when 9/11 happened, and so they only know what they've been taught. I am proud that they go to a school where not only do they say the Pledge of Allegiance every day, but they are calling today "Patriot's Day" and ask that the kids wear red, white and blue, and have a special flag ceremony. I don't ever want my kids to go to a school where the Pledge is banned. RIDICULOUS!!! Even though corrupted, I still love this country, and our children need to be taught their heritage. They are the future.