Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Car Questions?

Hey everyone, just thought that I would bring to your attention a new blog I've added to mine. It is called Ask Mike? My uncle Mike is the most awesome person ever! He gives service NON STOP, he is loving and kind and just a big teddy bear! He has been a mechanic since I can remember, and probably long before. He has worked for Toyota for over 20 years, and is as smart as it gets when it comes to cars. Recently, Uncle Mike had a life changing experience (you can read about it more on his blog), it is a miracle that he is even alive. He is supposed to take it easy for a while, and I think his family members came up with this idea for him to answer your car questions. It is free for a while, but eventually, they will add a small fee to get your car questions answered. So, I am telling anyone that reads this, if you have any questions about your car, I strongly advise you to visit this blog...he is honest, and he has seen it all! Give it a try, and support an awesome individual! Thanks!
Uncle Mike and Aunt Teresa!

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