Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Silliness!

My kids love Halloween, and Tyler has been especially fun, since he loves putting on different hats anyway...and every time I go to take his picture, he smiles with the cheesiest smile ever! So cute! Anyway, I had a Halloween party for my scouts on Wednesday which was a lot of fun. After the party I found Austin and Tyler the candy stash!

Last night we went to our ward's chili cook-off, and trunk-or-treat. I have to say I am actually a huge fan of the trunk-or-treat over traditional trick-or-treating. It's in a safe environment, it is people that we know and love, it is far less walking, the kids get just as much candy, and since the economy tanked, when you go through the neighborhoods, it's like every other house is empty. Plus, it is done in like an hour! I love it, and wish we could do that every year for Halloween! And now for the pictures...
Austin was Bumblebee
Katie was Tinkerbell
Tyler was a cowboy
And Jeff was just himself! :)
I said "Tyty, did you like trick-or-treating?"
This was his response.
Jeff said he went up to the first trunk kind of shy and barely said "treat", and got a candy, and his eyes lit up and he said "tank ou" (thank you), and took off for the next car with bucket up yelling all the way there "twick-or-tweet"! He had a ball!
This is the pumpkin I carved....
Jeff carved Shrek for Tyler (that's Ty's favorite!)
This was Jeff's masterpiece!
After we got home...
Tyler gave Shrek a love before he got butchered! (We carve our pumpkins on Halloween, and then cook them that night and freeze the pumpkin for pies and stuff.)
Shrek just being plain silly!
This is a little Silence of the Lambs....but cuter! :)


Brenda said...

OK! I thought that Jeff's and your costumes were the BEST!! I'm still laughing at the big "fro"...SO GROOVY! I graduated in '78 and he totally had the LOOK! Cute kiddos too! LOVED the little cowboy! AND I agree! The trunk or treat in the way to go!

BeckyinQC said...

You all looked so good! I think trick-or-treating with a 2 or 3 year old is the best. Once they get the hang of it, it is priceless to watch them. Such a fun age! I loved all the pics.

Miss Sue said...

Tyler was my fav Customer for sure! He was so stoked at anything I put in his bucket!