Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving Fun!

We had such a great Thanksgiving! We went to my sister's house, and the day was so much fun!
My sister had set a beautiful table for us, so that we could all fit and eat together
Everyone was there from my family including my darling niece Melani (on the left, my mom on the right). She is due with her first baby in mid December, and drove down with her hubby Brandon from Utah!
They also brought their little dog Boudie, who Tyler loved!!!
This is my sis-in-law Coco (yes, she recently went dark), with Katie and my sweet niece, Tylee (who was supposed to spend Thanksgiving with her dad, but she prayed that she would be able to spend Thanksgiving with all her cousins, and her prayers were answered! Just one more reason to be grateful!)
After stuffing ourselves, we all went to the park to play a friendly (NOT) family game of football (Except for Mel, who is too preggo, and myself, since I had some severe gall bladder pain after eating so much yummy food!)
My niece, Melani, made everyone Jersey's with their names on them, and we about peed our pants when we saw my mom had put hers on backwards, and when we told her what we were laughing at, she said "Fine, I'll turn it around", she then took it off and put it back on backwards again.....It was pretty hilarious! We love you Mimi!
Austin was in complete heaven since he eats, lives, and breathes football lately!

Katie was the cheerleader on the side! (She's her mommy's girl! :) )

Tyler even ran in a touchdown! Go Tyler Go!

The most fun part of the day for me was when Lolo and I sang a song that we had written to the song "We are the Champions" and we called it "We are the Coxes", and made fun of all of our "family issues" was so hilarious!

We also got to visit, and play cards, and was lot of fun, and I was grateful to have my family all together has been a while since the whole family was together! :)

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