Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spring Break MADNESS!

Yeah! Boo! Whatever your take, Spring Break is over! We had a lot of fun playing, playing, and playing. We didn't get to go anywhere this year, but Lori came from Texas with her kids, and Melani came down from Utah with her little dog Boudie (Her new last name is Boudreaux, so she named her first dog Boudie), and we all had so much fun!

We spent a good portion of our week at my parents house, and enjoyed getting some sun, and swimming in the freezing pool (Well, okay, so only Tylee, and Colby were brave enough to swim because they are polar bears and arctic waters don't seem to bother them, the other kids got in for a few minutes each, but the adults all new better). We also played at a few parks, and played a lot of football!

Katelyn meeting Boudie.

Tylee holding Boudie.

Tylee trying to convince her uncle to swim!

Everyone playing football. (Colby, Zac, Austin, Alex and Mel)

Wow! What a catch MelBel!

Tylee on the zip line

Katie and Tyler racing down the slide.
(He was so cute climbing the stairs and going down this slide all by himself about a thousand times in a row!)

Tylee and Austin's turn!

Zac holding Katie playing some game no doubt!

Tyler enjoying some cream cheese frosting! Yummy!

Katie riding Colby like a horse (her favorite thing besides bugging the dog to death!!!)

Katie riding on Colby again!

In this picture, Katie saddled up her "Pops" to ride on, and I don't know if you can tell, but if you look closely, she put a jump rope in his mouth to make some reigns. What a good sport Pops!

Tyler with Boudie (I would not be surprised if that poor little dog's hair starts falling out from the stress of my kids. Katie and Tyler absolutely love dogs, but end up bugging them to death. Little Boudie tried so hard to just hide away from all the kids, but to no avail, they always found him.)

See what I mean. There is Katie doing whatever is necessary to get close to that little dog. He is a cute puppy!

All of the adults, except for me and Jeff (I have a baby who refuses to be left with anyone, and Jeff had to work) went to the temple. But Jeff and I did get to go to lunch at Nando's with everyone, and we took a few pics. I'm sad I missed the Temple, because going through with your family is so special, and I really wanted to go through with my niece Melani. We all adore her. She is the only daughter of my sister that died 11 years ago. We weren't able to see her for about 7 years after my sister died. So since we have been reunited with her, we are always thrilled to see her, and we all think she is just so beautiful, and smart, and talented, and fun (I could go on and on)! I know you think I'm bragging, but if you met her, I promise, you would know how smart, and talented she is. Another time!

Lolo and her hubba-hubba-hubby Charles

Mimi, Melani and Lolo going to the temple!

Melani & Tyler (Oldest and youngest cousins).
Anyway, back to the routine. I have spent almost my whole Sunday resting up for the week ahead. Sometimes, you just need to be lazy and recoup!

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