Saturday, May 22, 2010

Alma 2-4

Quote "Safety can't be won by tanks and guns and airplanes and atomic bombs. There is only one place of safety and that is in the realm of the Almighty God that he gives to those who keep his commandments and listen to his voice."
~President Harold B. Lee
Question "Why were the Nephites strengthened by the Lord? How can we receive the Lord's help in the challenges we face?"
The Nephites were always strengthened by the Lord, when they humbled themselves and asked for help. It is the same for us...when we humble ourselves, and strive to keep the commandments, we are blessed, and strengthened.
This is an interesting question to me because this is a very scary time that we live in today. We may not have our cities and homes literally under attack....but we are under attack never-the-less. Things in the book of Revelations are happening every day, and everywhere we look. This government is sucking the life out of what made this country....freedom. More scary for me is the challenges that my children will face....what will their futures be like? I have a hard time planning in my mind, missions, and weddings, and college, because I don't know what the state of the world will be in in the next fives years, ten years, and so's rapidly changing.
And in this state of chronic chaos, I find myself at times feeling scared, and worried....and I have to constantly remind myself that fear is the opposite of faith. I know that the Lord will help me, and He will help any of His children that ask for His help. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the only thing in this world that brings me true comfort....for if my faith was only in this world....I would be in a serious state of depression!

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