Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Mosiah 24-25

Quote "We should seek to be happy and cheerful and not allow Satan to overcome us with discouragement, despair, or depression."
~Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin
Quote "The Lord...loves us..., comforts and strengthens us, and enables us to bear our afflictions with patience and fortitude."
~Elder George Q. Cannon
Question "How can we submit more cheerfully to the will of the Lord?"

Interesting that this question comes on a day when I am not in a particularly good mood...and of course these quotes make me reflect and want to be more cheerful.
So, in answer to the question, it has been my experience that life, in general, is easier when we are cheerful and look for the good. It doesn't matter what hardship we are facing, there is always something good that we can focus on, there is always something we can be grateful for (not saying we have to be grateful for the actual hardship, but other things in our lives at the time of the hardship). I think that every single time we do turn over our burdens to the Lord, he will happily take them IF WE LET HIM. Many people don't really want to completely turn over their burdens, because they feel the need to continue to carry it...but when they are ready, He will take it!
I have seen the Lord make unbearable things bearable. I have seen Him turn something horrible into something good. The scriptures teach us this very thing. In fact, in today's reading assignment, Alma's people were put under horrible burdens by Amulon and it was a hard thing to bear. Yet, they kept a prayer in their hearts all the time, and the Lord made their burdens seem lighter. He helped them to complete their tasks in an easier manner. I sort of liken that today to maybe someone in debt (no of course not me, I would never go into debt...:)). When you have a lot of debt, it seems so burdensome to pay everything on time, and when you don't pay on time, you get letters, and a bazillion phone calls (I've heard...never had one :)) and you feel sooooo trapped, and helpless. Alright, alright, I admit, I've been there. It's depressing. Here's what I've learned. When I talk to my debtors, I try to talk to them cheerfully. I apologize for being late on my payment. I assure them that I have every intention of paying them back. I try my hardest to remember that it is just a person on the other end of the phone being paid something around minimum wage that has a job to do. It can't be a very pleasant job for them, so I try to be nice, which is probably unique for them. I feel happier when I do this. If I can pay half of my bill, I feel grateful that I was able to do that. I feel grateful that my husband works so hard to pay for the things that we need, and that he has allowed me to stay home with my children, which is the greatest desire of my heart. I have much to be thankful for, even in a burdensome time.
So to re-cap, pray, give thanks for all the things that are good, and be willing to allow the Lord to remove the burden from your shoulder. Look for the good, and look for every opportunity to laugh that you can find. If you wait for perfect circumstances to be happy, you won't ever is possible to be happy even during difficult times. And that is my take on today's question. Have a wonderful and cheerful day!

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