Saturday, May 15, 2010

Random Spring Catch-up!

So aside from being wayyyy behind in my Book of Mormon reading assignments, I'm also wayyyy behind in family here is the last few months of the Shiflet family...
In April, the boys had their annual Father/Sons Campout, which the boys were soooo excited about!
Jeff had a hard time getting Tyler out of the tent after he set it up...(first camping trip and all)
They enjoyed their lunch...
went for a walk....
Sat around the campfire...
Got to sleep in their sleeping bags (Tyler still talks about his Buzz sleeping cute!)
The next morning did a little fishin'
What do ya know....beginner's luck!
Whew...camping is hard work!
I had scouts at my house in April and the theme was "Spring Into Action" and I try to find "themed treats" for the boys so I found this recipe...
Bird nest cookies...they didn't taste all that great, but they looked the part I guess....(hey, I told you this was random)
Then at the end of April, my kids had their annual "Spring Sing" end of the year concert. Right next door to the school is a little farm, and they have this baby horse that Katelyn is obsessed with, so on the way to the concert, I let her stop for a minute and say hi...

Katelyn getting lined up, freezin' (it was chilly and windy out there) and she had just gotten over her second round of pneumonia...but she really wanted to go and sing.
Austin's class getting ready, (he's in the blue shirt near the top)...the kids did a great job, I love all the cute little patriotic songs that their music teacher teaches them...
We are also rounding up this season with Desert View Little League...this was Austin's second year, and it was his first year of kid pitch.
Even though his coaches never let him try to be pitcher, he likes to pretend...
This year, he was on the Raptors, which I guess is a minor league team in Ogden...
Batter Up!
May brought a lot of extra activities for us....all of the end of the school year stuff, and some other surprises...
The kids finished their second year of Let's Play they are with their beautiful teacher Carolee Brown...
Katelyn getting warmed up before the recital...
Austin getting ready...
Katie with her graduation of Yellow Indians certificate (I'm so proud of you Katie!)
Austin using his for a guitar....(I'm proud of you too!)
Austin yawned through a lot of his concert, and wasn't acting like his usual self, the next day I found out why....came home from school with a fever, and then wah-lah
The Pox Baby! Poor Baby got the Chicken Pox....
After finally getting him over that...Katelyn had her end of the year dance recital...and she did wonderful!!!
Her first outfit for swan lake beautifully done...
Katie posing as a lion for her "Lion King" "I'm gonna be a mighty king..."
Of course her daddy gave her flowers...
Her Mimi and Pops came to see her perform...
and of course Katelyn with her darling dance teacher Sara Jones (who worked so hard and did an outstanding job...inspite of being 7 months preggos)!
So, that has been our lives the past few weeks. I am determined to catch up my reading assignments, and send apologies to anyone that was doing it with me, that I let down. I hope that the summer brings some much needed rest, and lots of non-scheduled fun!


BeckyinQC said...

I love all the pics Summy! I especially loved Tyler with his first fish and the boys zonked out in the truck after Father's and Sons! Good times. . .good times!

Miss Sue said...

Love all the Family Pics!! I miss the family Pics! I mean if your kids were goofy looking or boring, then I could understand but... ;P
Love the pooped out Campout picture and sweet Katie a dance so proud. :)

Liz said...

WOW you have been busy!!! Loved the picture of the boys sacked out in their car seats...lucky dad.