Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Alma 62-63

Quote "These people all had basically the same experience. The war was the same length for all people; yet out of the same experience some were hardened and some were softened.

What made the difference?

It was what they thought of God and his Son."

~C. Max Caldwell

Question "When you experience trials, do you feel your heart is hardened or softened? What can you do to improve your thoughts of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ? How do you think this will help to soften your heart?"

I am human, so of course I don't enjoy going through trials, and when the trial first starts, or maybe after it lingers for a while, I'm sure I complain, way too much. However, I do have a very strong testimony that the Lord's will needs to be done, not mine. He allows all kinds of suffering, illnesses, and other hardships, but in essence, it is for our own good. We have free agency to choose, and we have learning opportunities at every turn in this life. If He just made everything be easy, and good for us all of the time, our free-agency would cease to exist, and we would be as Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, not knowing good from evil, and we would never appreciate these precious gifts....especially the Atonement. The only way for us to truly appreciate the Atonement of Jesus Christ is to go through trials, so that we can see, that our trial, in comparison to Christ's, is so minute, and that HE KNOWS what we are going through. He is the only one that really knows what each and every person is suffering with, and going through, and the only way to have comfort and support in our trials, is to lean on Him.

We've had many many trials in our family, and there have been times that I'm not sure if I'll be able to forgive, but through God, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE. He can and does take bad things, and make good come from them. Trials also bring compassion to us. When you go through something hard, then see someone else going through it, you feel compassion for them.

It is hard to understand sometimes why we are faced with a certain trial, but reading the scriptures, and praying can really help us through them....whether it is for answers and understanding, or just comfort and patience. The Lord's ways are not our ways, and that is a hard thing to accept sometimes, but that is just the way it is. We can fight all we want against the Lord.....but it will profit us NOTHING!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Alma 60-61

Quote "When you look in the dictionary for the most important word, do you know what it is? It could be remember ...our greatest need is to remember."

~President Spencer W. Kimball

Quote "Satan wants us to be slow to remember what we have received and heard. He wants us to minimize and even forget the quiet witnesses of the Spirit that have told us who we really are."

~Sister Susan L. Warner

Question "What helps you to not forget the spiritual experiences you've had?"

I know that the correct answer here is keeping a journal, and I wish I could say it was my answer. I have been horrible at keeping a journal. I need to be better at keeping a journal. I just talk about my experiences, and hope that I remember them, but that is not the best way to always remember.

I love the epistles back and forth between Moroni, and Pahoran, because they are so joyous in each others righteousness. They encourage each other to stay righteous and faithful. They delight in the safety of each other, and in their freedoms, and liberties, and blessings from God. I know I've said it a couple of times before, but this part of the Book of Mormon is just my favorite!!!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Alma 57-59

Quote "He whose name this church bears has promised the He will be in our midst, lead us along, go before us, and even fight our battles. He has further counseled, 'Be not afraid of your enemies, for I have decreed in my heart...that I will prove you in all things, whether you will abide in my covenant, even unto death, that you may be found worthy' (D&C 98:14)."

~Elder Neal A. Maxwell

Question "How can the Lord help you overcome fear?"

Fear is the opposite of faith....and yet I personally fear many things through my worldly eyes. But, when I look at things through my spiritual eyes, I realize that we should not fear. Fear does not come from the Lord, and considering that He is more powerful than all, if we are keeping His commandments, and our covenants, we don't need to fear, because He will help us in all things.

I was just talking to my daughter this morning, she was asking me what it would be like when she dies. After talking to her about it, I asked her why she wanted to know, and she replied that she was scared of dying. I remember being scared of dying when I was little, and my kids are scared of lots of different things, and having me as a mother, probably doesn't help that. However, I am trying to set a better example for my kids, and am constantly telling them that if you are keeping the commandments, and living as righteously as you can, that you don't need to be afraid.

I just think that it is something that you have to have your own life experiences with, and that the Lord works with all of His children in different ways. There are many of His children that are fearful, and they will be strengthened according to their desires, and experiences, and depending on what is necessary for their missions here on earth.

I can see in this reading why the Nephites might be fearful of the Lamanites, because their hatred was so strong, and they just kept attacking, and attacking them, every chance they got. I'm sure that was difficult for the Nephites. Yet, the majority of them chose to be faithful, and not let fear overtake them. They chose to trust in the Lord, and the Lord helped them because of their obedience and faithfulness.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Get Back on Schedule

If you are up to date with your reading, take time to study: Alma 42

Friday, November 26, 2010

Alma 55-56

Quote "We need more mothers who know the truth, whose children do not doubt their mothers know it."

~Elder Neal A. Maxwell

Question "What important lessons have you learned from your mother?"

My mother is an amazingly spiritual woman! My mother, like the mothers of the Stripling Warriors, is a convert to the church. She has an unbelievable understanding of the Gospel, and of the scriptures. She is one of the few people I know that knows the Bible (Old and New Testaments) as well as the Book of Mormon.....she delights in them. She has taught me the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She has taught me what it means to have a testimony of our Savior, and how to apply it in my life. She has taught me that there is comfort and joy and answers in the scriptures. She has taught me that there is peace in the temple. She has taught me that the work that I do as a mother is the most important work I will ever do. She is still in the process of teaching me how to forgive myself, and love myself, and let go of things, and move on. She has taught me how the Atonement of Jesus Christ conquers all. She has lost two children, and has had a very hard life, and yet she has taught me that good can come from bad, that we CAN trust the Lord to be there when we can't take another step, and that we need HIM every second of every day of our lives! She has taught me that it is never good to dwell on the negative, and to look for the good. She has taught me how to laugh! She has taught me that the "gospel principles are a guide to live by, not a stick to beat ourselves with."

I love my mother so very very much. I tell her everyday (several times a day) that I love her, and appreciate her for all that she does! I love you mommy, don't know what in the world I would do without you!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Alma 52-54

Quote "In the spiritual battles you are waging, I see you as today's sons of Helaman."

~President Ezra Taft Benson

Question "Notice how Mormon describes these young men. How are you living so that you can likened to the stripling warriors?"
I hope more than anything that I am raising stripling warriors...that they will "know the truth". Living righteously is the only way to be like the stripling warriors, for they were full of faith, and obedience to the commandments. They didn't just know it, they acted upon their beliefs for righteous purposes. In this reading my love and admiration for Captain Moroni also deepens, as he is so good, and so fearless, how could anyone not just love him? He is such an example of what all men should be! And if it weren't for his diligence in preserving the land of the Nephites, the stripling warriors would have been obliterated along with the other people of Ammon, because the contentions among the Nephites, would have caused them to fall into the hands of the Lamanites! This is such an exciting part of the Book of Mormon, and I don't even want to write about it, I just want to keep reading it, and encourage anyone out there to do the same!!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Alma 50-51

Quote "Mormon wants to teach what will be of most worth to us, and his use of the words thus and thus we see make the lessons easier to recognize and understand. Pay close attention to the 'thus we see' phrases in the Book of Mormon. Here Mormon wants you to understand that the Lord is keeping His word to Lehi and blessing the Nephites with prosperity when they keep the commandments."

~Elder Henry B. Eyring

Question "In what ways has the Lord kept his word to you?"

I have received so many blessings that I am not even remotely worthy of, that I can't wrap my head around how to answer this question. He has given me everything, and protects me daily from things that I don't even want to know about. He does give specific blessings for keeping specific commandments, but He also blesses His children without them asking, or knowing. The Lord is bound by His word, and that is the same for everyone! He loves us, and wants us to be happy, and wants us to return and live with Him, and He gives us all the tools to do it, we just have to learn to use the tools.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Alma 47-49

Quote "Be true to your own convictions. You know what is right, and you know what is wrong. You know when you are doing the proper thing...We need not fear as long as we have in our lives the power that comes from righteously living by the truth."

~President Gordon B. Hinckley

Question "The Lamanites did no want to go to battle against the Nephites, but they also did not want to displease the king (Alma 47:2). Have you ever been in a situation where you wanted to do the right thing, but were afraid you would displease someone? Why is it always better to do the right thing than to worry about what others might think of you?"

This is tough for me, because I think when you are young, it is harder to stand strong, because you aren't really sure who you are, and you desire acceptance, even if it costs you. I have this discussion with my son all the time, because I see him saying and doing things that he wouldn't normally say or do to make his friends like him. I always tell him that the only person it is important to please is Heavenly Father. I think as you get older, this gets a little easier, but that's not to say that situations don't come up that you still have to deal with these hard decisions.

Right now, we are kind of faced with this kind of decision in our office. We are dealing the insurance companies that are trying to say how the patient should be treated, when they have never even met this person, they have only collected all their money. They are not paying the Dr.'s fairly at all, and they are not doing what is in the policy holder's best interest. The right thing to do is if all Dr.'s would stand together and say "enough of this, we are not going to take any insurance company that does not treat the Dr. and patient fairly." However, if we go this route, it will upset many patients, and we will lose many patients that will go to a Dr. that still accepts their insurance (because, let's get real, there are always businesses that are desperate enough to take whatever they can get).

Although these decisions may not be life or death, these can be very difficult situations, and in some cases there is not a clear cut right or wrong answer. So, being prayerful about these decisions is so important. To pray to know what is the right thing to do, and secondly, praying to have the courage to do the right thing! Even if this is a hard thing.....the only "real happiness" comes from keeping the commandments of God!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Alma 44-46

Quote "The value of a country rests upon the values of its people. For the people of God, for the people who want peace, for their women and their children, there is only one way, one church and one Lord."

~Elder Charles Dider

Question "Why do the wicked go to war? How are their motives different from the reasons why the righteous go to war?"

This truly is my favorite part of the Book of Mormon. I love Captain Moroni, and what he did, and what he stood for. I love that this righteous man refused to allow evil to prevail, and threaten his fellow brethren, and their wives and their children! I wish so badly that every judge in this country, and every leader was as righteous and fearless as Captain Moroni. I love that he wasn't worried about whether people were going to say "Oh, I don't think that is the right way to handle this," he did what he knew in his heart was right, and he went out and reminded others to do it too! He did not accept complacency in his brethren....I just love him! (I'll stop my tangent now, I could go on all day!)

The wicked go to war because they have hatred in their hearts! Some of their intent is to kill as many as they can, others desire to subject their targets into bondage, and some desire money, wealth or power. They are not satisfied with their own lives, and have a greater desire to destroy someone else's happiness and freedom than just trying to improve their own life.

There is a very big difference between the wicked and the righteous going to war. The righteous have no desire for bloodshed. They have no desire to gain more land, or wealth, or power. They have no desire to take over another people and make slaves out of them. The only reason that the righteous go to war is to protect their freedom, their families, and their way of life. So many seek to destroy the righteous, and even though they are commanded to love our brethren, and not to kill our brethren, the Lord has told the righteous that it is right that they defend themselves, even unto bloodshed, because if they don't, the wicked will obliterate them, and there would only be wicked on the earth.

That is why it is so important to have men like Captain Moroni, who are willing to stand for truth and righteousness, and willing to strap on their helmets, and armor, and bravely stand against those who would love to crush them!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Alma 42-43

Quote "How great the wisdom and the love

That filled the courts on high

And sent the Savior from above

To suffer, bleed, and die!"

~Hymn 195

Question "How does understanding the Fall help you more fully love Jesus and appreciate what He did for us?"

The way that Alma lays it all out for his sons is just beautiful, plain, and clear. We would all be completely cut off from our Father in Heaven, if it weren't for Jesus Christ and His Atoning Sacrifice. We have been given this probationary time to repent of our sins. And even though we are cut off from our Father's presence right now....we have a life~line....we have a Savior that helps us have hope! When we study the Fall of Adam, we have a greater understanding of our purpose here on here.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Alma 39-41

Quote "You cannot do wrong and feel right. It is impossible."
~ President Ezra Taft Benson
Question "How important is it to you to follow the counsel of your parents and other righteous priesthood leaders?"
(Read Alma 36:17~ During the time Alma was racked with torment for his sins whose words did he remember that caused him to cry out for forgiveness?)
I feel like now that I am a parent, I can see how parents want nothing more than their kids to be happy, and successful in this life. I'm not sure that I fully appreciated that growing up, although, I was the youngest of 5 kids, and did see my parents suffer a lot over their kids decisions. I would love to take what I know, and transplant that information into my children's brains to spare them the pain and grief that I have experienced. I'm gonna have to say that it is absolutely crucial that children today know that following the counsel of their parents, as well as righteous priesthood leaders is for their own protection and happiness. You just can't be happy when you are making bad choices for yourself....you just can't.
Parents have a heavy burden, and responsibility to do all they can to ensure that their children have been taught the ways of the Lord. I know when Alma the younger was tormented, that he did remember the words of his father, and I believe he knew in that instance, how much his father loved him, and how much he had grieved his father with the decisions that he made. And most importantly, he knew that his father had taught him the truth, because in that instance, he prayed that Jesus would have mercy on his soul, and all of his pain was immediately replaced with joy. And how relieved must Alma, the father, had been, to know that he had done all he could to teach his son righteous principles, and that his son was able to recall his words when he needed them the most. If my child were in a similar state, I would hope that my words and teachings would be able to help them through, that I had done my job well enough.
I sincerely hope that I can teach my children to trust in my words, and also the words of the prophet, and leaders of the church, and hope that they have good experiences, and good teachers to reinforce those beliefs.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Alma 37-38

Quote "I have little or no fear for the young man or the young woman, who honestly and conscientiously supplicate God twice a day for the guidance of His Spirit. I am sure that when the temptation comes they will have strength to overcome it by the inspiration that shall be given to them. Supplicating the Lord for the guidance of His Spirit places around us a safeguard, and if we...honestly seek the guidance of the Spirit of the Lord, I can assure you that we will receive it."
~President Heber J. Grant
Question "What are some things you talk to the Lord about? How does He direct you for good?"
We have been commanded to pray always, over all things, daily. This is sort of a challenge for me because I do not like to have a lot of repetition in my prayers, yet this seems unavoidable. I have talked to the Lord about a wide variety of topics in my life, from a simple blessing on the food, to the most painful, sorrowful things of my heart. I, personally, mostly pray to do better, to be better, to have a greater desire to be better, and to be forgiven. I pray for my children, and family, our military, the missionaries, friends, neighbors, those in need, and lots of other things.
The Lord directs us for good through the Holy Ghost, and through the scriptures. The Holy Ghost is Heavenly Father's way of talking to us, and answering us. When we get a good feeling from the Holy Ghost, we know we are pleasing our Heavenly Father. He has also given us the scriptures to tell us how we should live our lives, and what He expects out of us. We know that if we keep His commandments that we are headed in a good direction.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Alma 34-36

Quote "The thought of intentionally committing serous sin now and repenting later is perilously wrong. Never do that. Many start that journey of intentional transgression and never make it back. Premeditated sin has greater penalties and is harder to overcome. If there is sin, repent now - while you can."
~Elder Richard G. Scott
Question "What does Satan do to try to keep you from repenting? How many reasons can you think of for why it's important to repent now?"

Satan does not want us to repent for obvious reasons....he wants us to be cut off from the presence of God. He wants us to be as miserable as he is, and he will stop at nothing to get as many people away from God as he is able.
I'm sure there are many reasons to repent now, but one main one that stands out to me, and that is so that we can be closer to God. His spirit cannot dwell in unholy places....and as human beings, we are unholy A LOT! Repentance is necessary.
Last Saturday, I was at a baptism, and Bishop Nevitt was talking about repentance. He was saying that the most communicated message in the scriptures is repentance. He said that he has never been able to read his scriptures without seeing "repent" in them.
It is vital that we turn away from sin, humble ourselves, and submit our will to God's, in order to receive His guidance, and His love, and His blessings.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Alma 32-33

Quote "Of all our needs, I think the greatest is an increase of faith"
~President Gordon B. Hinckley
Question "How often do you exercise faith? What difference can "a particle of faith" make in our actions? (see Matthew 17:20)
I exercise faith every day in some form. Every time I say a prayer, give service, keep a commandment, think about my Savior, read my scriptures....etc. That is not to say that my faith is great. I think my own personal faith is stronger in some areas than others.
I love Alma's discussion with the "humble", when he discusses the particle of faith. This is such a great missionary lesson. Are there not those all around us in our world that believe nothing, or that believe in God, but not sure what to do about it, and also those that seek after truth? I know people that have said things such as "I've never seen evidence of a God, so I can't believe He is real". Alma says "Now I ask, is this faith? Behold, I say unto you nay; for if a man knoweth a thing he hath no cause to believe, for he knoweth it."
Even if he have no more than a desire to believe, we can use that "particle of faith" and test it to see if our faith grows from it. It doesn't take long for that seed of faith to start to swell, since we are all born with the Light of Christ, our spirits know the truth!