Monday, November 15, 2010

Alma 32-33

Quote "Of all our needs, I think the greatest is an increase of faith"
~President Gordon B. Hinckley
Question "How often do you exercise faith? What difference can "a particle of faith" make in our actions? (see Matthew 17:20)
I exercise faith every day in some form. Every time I say a prayer, give service, keep a commandment, think about my Savior, read my scriptures....etc. That is not to say that my faith is great. I think my own personal faith is stronger in some areas than others.
I love Alma's discussion with the "humble", when he discusses the particle of faith. This is such a great missionary lesson. Are there not those all around us in our world that believe nothing, or that believe in God, but not sure what to do about it, and also those that seek after truth? I know people that have said things such as "I've never seen evidence of a God, so I can't believe He is real". Alma says "Now I ask, is this faith? Behold, I say unto you nay; for if a man knoweth a thing he hath no cause to believe, for he knoweth it."
Even if he have no more than a desire to believe, we can use that "particle of faith" and test it to see if our faith grows from it. It doesn't take long for that seed of faith to start to swell, since we are all born with the Light of Christ, our spirits know the truth!

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