Saturday, November 20, 2010

Alma 39-41

Quote "You cannot do wrong and feel right. It is impossible."
~ President Ezra Taft Benson
Question "How important is it to you to follow the counsel of your parents and other righteous priesthood leaders?"
(Read Alma 36:17~ During the time Alma was racked with torment for his sins whose words did he remember that caused him to cry out for forgiveness?)
I feel like now that I am a parent, I can see how parents want nothing more than their kids to be happy, and successful in this life. I'm not sure that I fully appreciated that growing up, although, I was the youngest of 5 kids, and did see my parents suffer a lot over their kids decisions. I would love to take what I know, and transplant that information into my children's brains to spare them the pain and grief that I have experienced. I'm gonna have to say that it is absolutely crucial that children today know that following the counsel of their parents, as well as righteous priesthood leaders is for their own protection and happiness. You just can't be happy when you are making bad choices for just can't.
Parents have a heavy burden, and responsibility to do all they can to ensure that their children have been taught the ways of the Lord. I know when Alma the younger was tormented, that he did remember the words of his father, and I believe he knew in that instance, how much his father loved him, and how much he had grieved his father with the decisions that he made. And most importantly, he knew that his father had taught him the truth, because in that instance, he prayed that Jesus would have mercy on his soul, and all of his pain was immediately replaced with joy. And how relieved must Alma, the father, had been, to know that he had done all he could to teach his son righteous principles, and that his son was able to recall his words when he needed them the most. If my child were in a similar state, I would hope that my words and teachings would be able to help them through, that I had done my job well enough.
I sincerely hope that I can teach my children to trust in my words, and also the words of the prophet, and leaders of the church, and hope that they have good experiences, and good teachers to reinforce those beliefs.

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