Wednesday, April 15, 2009

My Knight In Shining Armor!

I know that the phrase "my knight in shining armor" means different things to different women. For me, this phrase refers to my hubby yesterday. I seriously don't know what I would have done without him. In the middle of Monday night, I woke up in severe pain in the right side of my neck, shoulder, and back. I could barely turn my head. It felt like my whole spine had been shoved to the right. My sweet husband, got up in the middle of the night to give me and adjustment, and set me up with an ice pack. On Tuesday morning, he was so sweet, and adjusted me again, and ran to the office and got me a portable stim unit to wear throughout the day. He called to check on me, he came home, and I had not been able to do a dish, or laundry, or pick anything up most of the day because I was hurting so bad, and he didn't complain one bit, in fact, he stayed up late to do the dishes last night. So, I just wanted to say "I love you honey, and don't know what I would do without you!" I am so lucky to be married to a chiropractor that can work on me at anytime of day, and what could have been a two week ordeal of pain, was able to be two days of pain. I am like 85% better today, and will probably be fully recovered by tomorrow. Amazing. I am so grateful for you honey. "You are my knight in shining armor, and the best chiropractor I've ever known!"


The Slider Family said...

What a sweet guy! No are lucky!:) He is the best chiropractor!

Grandma a/k/a Kathy said...

Hi Summer! I found your blog off of Becky Norris' blog! You are right, your husband is the best chiro around! We were in Wyoming a few weeks ago visiting with Blaine's parents and they asked about your family and remarked how much Bro. Shiflet helped them while they were here! Funny old people! ;-)
