Tuesday, March 30, 2010

1 Nephi 15-16

Quote "If there is any one thing most needed in this time of tumult and frustration, when men and women and youth and young adults are desperately seeking for answers to the problems which afflict mankind, it is an 'iron rod' as a safe guide along the straight path on the way to eternal life."
~President Harold B. Lee
Question "How can you 'hold fast' to the iron rod?
Interesting question. There are of course the obvious answers of going to church, praying, reading our scriptures, heeding the warnings of our prophets, etc. All of those answers are true and correct. But I think the most important thing that we can do to hold fast to the iron is let go of our desires, and live by the Lord's will. If we turn over our will, and live by His, how much tighter would our grip be on the iron rod? This is a very difficult thing at times, but that is where we find the greatest happiness!
On a side note, I just have to say, that when I read about the daughters of Ishmael complaining after their father died, and everyone complaining when they are starving.....I'm pretty sure I'd be in that group. When I get low-blood sugar now, I can be pretty ugly, so it hits me hard when I read these words, because I feel like Nephi is talking to me. And even though it is hard to hear, I love it when Nephi says "....the guilty taketh the truth to be hard, for it cutteth them to the very center....if ye were righteous and were willing to hearken to the truth, and give heed unto it, that ye might walk uprightly before God, then ye would not murmur because of the truth..."
So true! The wicked do take the truth to be hard, and I see examples of that every day!
Oh, that I may hold fast to that iron rod, even if just by my fingernails, just keep holding on!


Anonymous said...

today's quotes and your discussions hit home...and as much as I try to come up with excuses to justify them...truth is the truth....I used to have a routine..scripture study in the morning and at night with family prayers daily...with life's busyness...there times when it's a quick family prayer and then it's just one or two versus of scripture...i'm hating that...i've fallen into the consistencies and I hate that...with all that Heavenly Father has done for me and for the Atonement of his only begotten..how can I not be consistent with what he asks...I have to work on that...great discussion today!! love ya!

The Shiflet Family said...

You are so right Lina, that's when it hurts the most is when you think of how much our Savior has done for us, and how little He asks us to do for Him.....can't we just do those simple simple things? Why is it soooo hard? Because what is that quote from Sherri Dew "If life were easy, it wouldn't be hard?" Maybe I got that backward...whatever, you know what I mean....our mortal bodies are on constant demand of all of these "wordly pressures", and our poor spirits are saying...."excuse me, hello, are we going to do anything spiritual today? Hello, is anyone listening?"
FYI - we haven't read our scriptures as a family in a few days now, and it shows....we've got to get back on track. If you are only doing a few scriptures a day, I say pat yourself on the back, you're doing better than most of us! :)