Wednesday, March 31, 2010

1 Nephi 17-18

Quote "Inspiration comes more as a feeling than as a sound...We do not have the words (even the scriptures do not have the words) which perfectly describe the Spirit. The scriptures generally use the word 'voice,' which does not exactly fit. These delicate, refined spiritual communications are not seen with our eyes, nor heard with our ears. And even though it is described as a voice, it is a voice that one feels, more than one hears."
~President Boyd K. Packer
Question "What things have you felt while reading or praying?"
Without getting too personal, I have felt the love of my Heavenly Father, and the love of my Savior. That I am important enough to them that I have received all of the blessings that I have, and that He would send me the gift of the Holy Ghost to prompt me towards righteousness, is very powerful for me.
I also feel very connected to the people in the scriptures. I can try to put myself in each of their shoes, and see how/why they feel the way they do. I develop an appreciation of the prophets, and what they went through so that I can read their stories today. I wouldn't get that just by hearing the stories, but by reading them myself, I feel that I know them better.
This could be a 15 page answer, and some things are too detailed and personal to share with everyone. So I will just leave it at this for today......I have felt the Spirit while reading and praying, and it ALWAYS bears record of the truth, and ALWAYS testifies that Jesus Christ is my Savior, and that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is true, and leads to great happiness!

1 comment:

The Boudy's said...

if you would come and SEE me and baby, i would show you how to get ride of your christmas background. lol