Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What is it about 3:00????

I don't know what the deal is with 3:00....I can pretty much count on 3pm every day being my cut off point of getting anything done that I need to do, and my kids get home from school, and it's homework, music, dance, sports, scouts...etc....dinner, bath & bedtime routines. Not much peace throughout my day really.

So, I guess that's why 3am is my "spiritual awakening time." I don't sleep through the whole night very often, and the time that I am most frequently woken up is at 3am. I wake up, and my mind starts racing with everything that has happened that day, or that needs to happen the next day, or problems my kids are having, or financial stuff, or all the things that I should be doing that I'm get the point....STUFF! But through these early morning hours, I have received a lot of wonderful spiritual insights at 3am.

So last night, don't ask me why, but at 3, I woke up, and felt very strongly like I needed to do this 100 day Book of Mormon reading program that I came across a few months ago, and keep track of it on my blog, to hold myself accountable. Crazy, I know. I have not been very good at personal scripture study lately, but I have been praying a lot lately to be a better mother, wife, and friend. So, I'm thinking this might just be my answer. (Just to set the record straight, I have read the BOM several times, and am reading it right now with my kids.)

Anyway, I found this on the a few months back, and it gives you certain reading assignments every day, and has a quote that goes with the scriptures, and then poses a question for you to ponder. So, I am officially beginning TODAY! No more excuses!

If you would like to join with me, feel free, I will be posting the reading assignments as my title, and then either writing my feelings about it, or answering the question. If you read any of this, please don't pass judgement, as I am not always the most insightful person, but I am doing this to really challenge myself, and to sincerely try to learn something. So, any comments or feelings, or insights that you might have are more than welcome, my friends!

Anyway, here we go with Day 1

Assignment: Preface (title page), Introduction, Testimony of Three Witnesses, Testimony of Eight Witnesses, Testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith

"I would like to urge [everyone] to again read the Book of Mormon...There is nothing we could do of greater importance than to have fortified in our individual lives an unshakable conviction that Jesus is the Christ, the Living Son of the Living God. And, my brothers and sisters, that is the purpose of the coming forth of this remarkable and wonderful book." President Gordon B. Hinckley

Wish me Luck!


Liz said...

As far as the "3" o'clock thing I completely understand...I too wake up and solve the worlds problems when I should be sleeping.
I love reading my scriptures and when I do it regularly I am so blessed and I really enjoy it but then a day goes by and before I know it a lot of time has gone by without reading them. I don't know why it's so hard to get motivated again so I'm glad you have found the motivation...maybe I will join you!

Bria said...

Wow I have been really feeling a strong urge to read the book of mormom too! I have not actually read the whole thing through which is sad, but I found a program that has you read it in a month and I am going to do it! Awesome post! I look forward to keeping up with your reading :)

The Boudy's said...

hey i went to that website but couldn't find you have the direct link? i'd love to do it with you!

Anonymous said...

good luck my friend! I read this page so many times and haven't passed on to the next...i challenged myself to reread the book of mormon and be done before can be my inspiration, okay!?! I'll join you so that we may both be kdis and I are still in 3 Nephi...good luck..and I'm also up during the wee hours of the morning...sometimes its homework most of the times its bloggin or facebooking?...