Friday, May 22, 2009

Go Reds!

Well, with the end of the school year, came the end of Austin's baseball season. This was Austin's first year to play, and he played coach pitch. He was #5 on the Red's. He had a great coach, and a great team. They only lost the very last game, by one run (mostly due to the last week of school excitement). Anyway, I realized that I haven't blogged at all about his season in baseball, so I am putting the hi-lites on here.

Very first time up to bat, he hit a single (although it could have easily been a double the way the other team was throwing)

Waiting to bat

Tyler always wore Autee's hat while he batted (and never wanted to give it back!)

Austin running for 2nd

Darth Katie!

Austin playing catcher

There was a lot of waiting to bat pics

Come on pitcher...bring the pepper!

Daddy coaching first

What's a game without snacks?

Austin playing 1st

Playing makes ya thirsty!

Come on guys, let's hear some chatter!

Austin's last game was against his best friend Collin's (1st baseman) team!

Is it over YET???

The final "GO REDS!"

After the last game, we had a pizza/trophy party at a nearby park, the kids had so much fun

Tubular Dude!

Austin with his way cool spinning trophy!

Reds Finale

Austin with Coach James McCart (Thanks Coach!)

The true recipient of the trophy! I don't think he has given it up yet!

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