Sunday, May 10, 2009

My Dad!

I know it's not Father's Day, but anyone that knows my dad, knows what a character he is. He is not afraid to speak his mind on any subject. And, as grim as it may sound, my parents welcome the idea of death because of all of the pain and suffering they have had in this life, including burying two children. So I just had to share this story my mom told me today, which is so typical of my dad, and I think it is hilarious.
Ding Dong (doorbell)
Dad (opening the door): "What can I do for you sir?"
Salesman: "Hello sir, we are just going around the area checking to see if one of our salesmen has come by in the past week asking about your interest in our state-of-the-art security system for the protection of you and your family."
Dad: "No he hasn't been by, and I wouldn't be interested even if he had."
Salesman: "Really? It is a really nice, high quality system.....(stops talking as he is cut off)"
Dad: "Listen, if a burglar wanted to break in here and kill me, he'd be doing me a HUGE favor!"
Salesman: (silent for a moment) "Uh...Oh....I'm really sorry to hear that sir, have a nice day."
I love you dad, I couldn't make up stories that good!

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