Friday, April 30, 2010

Mosiah 9-11

Quote "The enabling and strengthening aspect of the Atonement helps us to see and to do and to become good in ways that we could never recognize or accomplish with our limited mortal capacity. I testify and witness that the enabling power of the Savior's Atonement is real."
~Elder David A. Bednar
Question "In what ways do we depend on our own strength? How can we more fully receive the strength of the Lord?"
It's funny, I was just thinking about this.....on days when I'm just in a rush to get the kids off to school, and have a million things to do, and don't take the time to pray, I just think to myself "I need to get this done, etc..." without ever stopping to think that I wouldn't be able to do anything if it weren't for the Lord giving me the ability to do it! I depend on my own strength a lot! I need to stop doing that, because it never really is my strength anyway.
I know that I can receive the strength of the Lord by acknowledging Him in prayer, and asking for His help. I also receive inner-strength when I read my scriptures. I have a better understanding of a humble attitude when I do these things. Especially when I think about's a guy that was exceptionally obedient, who built a ship, who slayed a man, and who did so much more, and yet, Nephi never, not once said, "ha! see what I just did" or "I'd watch it if I were you Laman, you know what I'm capable of." He never depended on his own strength or abilities, he was always submissive to the Lord, as we should all be, for no matter how much we do to obey Him, we will ALWAYS be endebted to Him.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Get Back On Schedule

If you're up to date with your reading, take time to study: Mosiah 3-4
Question "Once we've felt the Lord's forgiveness, how do we retain the remission of our sins?"

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Mosiah 5-8

Quote "No one can be born again without baptism, but the immersion of water and the laying on of hands to confer the Holy Ghost do not of themselves guarantee that a person has been or will be born again. The new birth takes place only for those who actually enjoy the Gift of companionship of the Holy Ghost, only for those who are fully converted, who have given themselves without restraint to the Lord."
~Elder Bruce R. McConkie
Question "How can you more fully give yourself to the Lord to experience the might change of heart?"

I think just like the quote says, being a "Christian" in name is not all that you need to do in need to be humble, and submissive to the will of the Lord. In today's reading, King Limhi is explaining to Ammon that his people have fallen into transgression, and now they are slaves to the lamanites. Haven't we all been enslaved, or in bondage to something or someone in our lives because of foolish decisions (i.e. debt, addictions, etc...). We can all identify here. It doesn't mean that these are the worst people on the planet. I'm sure the majority of them are just normal, decent people, but have forgotten the importance of putting the Lord first. I've done this a million times in my life, and that is why the Book of Mormon is so great to read...because this is the theme of the whole book! And, it pertains to today just as much as back then.

So, I think that, as hard as it is some days, we need to be mindful of the Lord, and His commandments in order to have a desire to do better and experience a mighty change of heart. Sometime sin puts us in such dark places that we search for any glimpse of light that we can to get out of the darkness, and when you find the brightest light, you cling to it with everything you least for a while. Then we get comfortable in the light, and forget how much we need it, and stray a little further, and further until the light gets dimmer and dimmer, until....BOOM! we are in the dark again...."how did this happen? the light was just there?"

When we really humble ourselves, and consider what our Savior has done for us, there is nothing that we would ever want to do to go against Him. The trick is, the more good you do, the more you want to do. The more knowledge you have, the more you realize you need to learn. Humility is being able to look at yourself and sincerely know that you can do better, and you desire to be better, and you try to do better.

I think the Lord works differently with all of His children. Some obtain a mighty change of heart after a painful experience, like Alma the younger. Some have a mighty change from their youth, and never lose it, like Nephi. I personally think that as soon as you have a "real" knowledge of your Father in Heaven, and his Son, Jesus Christ, that you desire that change of heart!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Mosiah 3-4

Quote "Work at keeping your thoughts clean by thinking of something good. The mind can think of only one thing at a time. Use that fact to crowd out ugly thoughts. Above all, don't feed thoughts by reading or watching things that are wrong. If you don't control your thoughts, Satan will keep tempting you until you eventually act them out."
~Elder Richard G. Scott
Question "What helps you most to control your thoughts?"
I truly believe that environment plays into the control of our thoughts. When I am listening to primary music, for example, I have a hard time thinking of bad things. I believe that every person on earth struggles with their thoughts in one way or another. I know that pornography is a huge problem today, and other addictions as well. I have a serious problem with scary movies and anxiety. I watched a lot of scary movies in my youth, and I still remember them. I am very sensitive to those things, and also to real life scary things....for example, when CSI came out, my husband wanted to watch it, and one of the first episodes had to do with a kidnapped child....I already have enough anxiety about those kinds of things, so if/when I watch those things, I think about them all the more, driving myself crazy. So for me, it is really dedicating myself to not watching anything or listening to anything that puts me in mind of negative things.
As far as today's reading assignment goes, King Benjamin focused a lot on giving of our substance. If we have food, clothing, money, etc...and don't help those in need, we are committing sin. I wonder if we really all focused our 100% attention on giving service every day that we would never have time to think about our own problems, or have time for the negative thoughts that Elder Scott was talking about.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Mosiah 1-2

Quote "Our focus should be on righteousness, not recognition; on service, not status. The faithful visiting teacher, who quietly goes about her work month after month, is just as important to the work of the Lord as those who occupy what some see as more prominent positions in the Church. Visibility does not equate to value...When we understand why we serve we will not worry about where we serve."
~President Howard W. Hunter
Question "How often do you serve?"
I love this my opinion, if you are a mother.....24 hours a day. There are lots of ways to serve, and everyone has their own experiences with this, so I will not address how I serve, or people in the church serve.
I will, however, address the service of our government leaders. I am just sickened at the state of our Nation. I've always loved history, especially American history, and I know that the men that started this Nation would not want it to be this way today.
In today's reading assignment, King Benjamin addresses his people before he dies. In the first part of his speech, he talks to them about his service as their King. He told them that he was called to be their king, and worked diligently at it every day, and that he labored with his own hands in service to his people, and that he did not burden his people with heavy taxes, so that he could just sit and live comfortably. He was righteous, and he led by example. He even goes on to humbly say that he wouldn't even bring it up (because he is not just boasting), but he tells them what kind of leadership they should look for in their land. Don't try to live off of someone else's living. Work hard every day, help others in need, live charitably, and don't try to just sit there while someone else is paying for everything you need (those that are able I'm talking about). I would love to have every politician read King Benjamin's address, and hope that if they did, it might shake them to their core for their greediness, and selfishness. The majority of people in "service" to our nation are looking out for themselves, and look at it as a job to make a living at, and not what can I do to help the people of this nation be better.
That is my peace for now.....I'm sure there will be much more to come on that subject!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Jarom - Words of Mormon

Quote "We have become a nation of pleasure seeking sabbath breakers...What fits the purpose of the Sabbath? Activities that contribute to greater spirituality...I don't believe that it is possible to keep our spirituality on a high plane by spending our Sabbaths on the beach, on the golf course...or in our own homes...looking at television."
~President Ezra Taft Benson
Question "How can you more fully keep the Sabbath day holy?"
Jeff and I were watching the Emma Smith story last Sunday, and when she was helping write the translations of the Book of Mormon, Jeff said to me "I wonder what was on the 144 lost pages." I never really pondered that before. In today's reading, in Omni, he speaks of other people leaving Jerusalem at the time that King Judah was taken away captive into Babylon, and settling Zarahemla. It also speaks of others crossing the seas to the promised land, and it made me wonder about their records. A few weeks ago, the question was something about keeping records, and it never ceases to amaze me that there are lots and lots of other records that we don't even have that testify even more of Christ.
One of the other things I loved about this reading assignment is the Words of Mormon in between the Books of Omni and Mosiah. I love how here's Nephi, passing down the plates to his brother Jacob, and he passes them on to his son and so forth, and all of them basically say that the words that Nephi and Jacob have said are as plain as can be, and there is nothing more they can add because they speak the truth. They all testify of the coming of Christ. They all testify of the wars between the Lamanites and the Nephites, and that when the Nephites are righteous they are helped and protected, and when they are not righteous they are overcome by the Lamanites. So, here are these guys all saying this, and then all of a sudden, a voice from hundreds of years later says, hey, I've been reading these records, and I've taken the most precious parts and abridged them. Oh, by the way, the testifying of Christ coming, yeah, that already happened, and there are other things that these prophets of old said would happen in my day that have already happened....and they also have testified of things in the future that haven't happened yet, but they will happen...and why doubt when they've been right so far!
I love Mormon putting in that little part, so that we can see that these are not just words and prophecies that don't apply to us, or that have nothing to do with us, or that we cannot relate to....quite the contrary! They left this record for us to read, and it speaks the truth which is eternal, and truth doesn't change, and it doesn't care what century it is is still the truth. Keep the commandments of God, there is safety and protection in that, and if you don't, your enemies will have power over you. Seems pretty simple, right?
Sorry that I didn't address today's question, I've gone on long enough, I'll tackle that one another day.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Jacob 6 - Enos

Quote "How many of you, with or without serious transgressions, have ever prayed all day and into the night? Have you ever wept and prayed for many hours? How many of you have prayed for five hours? for one? for thirty minutes? for ten?"
~President Spencer W. Kimball
Question "How often do you cry unto the Lord in mighty prayer? How can you make prayer more meaningful?"

I can't say that I have ever prayed the whole day and night, nor even many hours in a row. I have had experiences of what I consider to be mighty prayer. I don't know that I am capable of having "mighty prayer" every day. For me, the mighty prayers have been when I have faced something difficult, or have great concern for my children, or something more than just the usual day to day.
I feel that I have grown in prayer over the years, however, I still struggle with several things about prayer. I know that it is the devil that teacheth a man not to pray. I also believe that we should not counsel the Lord. I feel like we should pray for our brethren, but not like a laundry list of "bless him with this, and bless them with with this, and help her and help him, etc..."
For me personally, I think prayer is for man, not for is our link to Him. And I feel prayer should be filled with mostly gratitude, and offering up the desires of our hearts, and that we should be praying for the will of the Father to be done.
I have known many people (including myself) that at some point in their lives have been like "I've been praying for this, and it's not happening, or the Lord isn't answering me in the way I want...". Along with praying, we need to remember to listen for the answers, and sometimes they don't come until years later. The Lord's timing is not our timing. He already knows our needs better than we do.
I don't like to say the same things in my prayers every time, yet, how can you not ever repeat things? So, for me it is a struggle to pray several times a day, when I haven't thought of anything new to pray about, and I do carry a prayer in my heart throughout many days. But I have had an experience in my life not too long ago (about 2 years or so) that I finally uttered the words "Thy will be done" in my prayer and meant it. It was VERY difficult for me to say those words because of the circumstances in which I was praying about. I really wanted what I wanted, and didn't want to really accept anything different. Since then, I have had peace and reassurance that it is better for the Lord's will to be done than ours, because He sees the big eternal picture, we just see our hardships on this earth. In any case, I still have much to learn about how to pray, and what to pray for, and how to listen to the answers to prayer. But, I am grateful for the power of prayer in my life, and that I can talk to my Father in Heaven, who I know loves me and knows me better than I know myself.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Jacob 5

Quote "Give me a young man who has kept himself morally clean and has faithfully attended his Church meetings. Give me a young man who has magnified his priesthood and has earned the Duty to God Award and is an Eagle Scout. Give me a young man who is a seminary graduate and has a burning testimony of the Book of Mormon. Give me such a young man, and I will give you a young man who can perform miracles for the Lord in the mission field and throughout his life."
~President Ezra Taft Benson
Question "How can you prepare now to labor diligently in the Lord's vineyard?"
I think the best way to labor diligently in the Lord's vineyard is to keep the commandments, and set an example. It's doing the every day things, reading the scriptures, and praying for inspiration of the Lord's will. It is attending church meetings, and doing everything I can to magnify my callings. It is feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and comforting those that stand in need of comfort. It is fellowshipping new members of the church, and not being afraid to bear my testimony the times I feel inspired to do so. I'm definitely not even close to perfection in these areas, but at least I recognize that, and am striving to do better.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Easter (A little late)

I have to say that lately, I have been forgetting my camera for everything! I did take a few Easter egg hunting pics, and that Monday night for FHE, we made the Easter Story Cookies (I call them resurrection cookies). So, here are some of the pics.
Austin's favorite pose sayin "oh yeah, we're coloring eggs!"
Tyler had a ball coloring eggs. He just got the yellow one done and....
Smash....first broken egg!
Jeff always done his infamous Spine egg (sorry, kind of blurry) where you step dad! :)

Making cookies together!

Get Back on Schedule

Today's assignment is to get back on schedule if you are behind. If you are caught up (which I am ) take time to study: 2 Nephi 31-33.
Question "What is the doctrine of Christ? What are some things the Holy Ghost can do for us? As Nephi finishes his record what are the things it seems like he most wants us to know?"
So, I feel like I already expressed all of my thoughts on this 2 days ago, but if any of you readers have something to add, by all means, do share!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Jacob 2-4

Quote "If you have not chosen the kingdom of God first, it will in the end make no difference what you have chosen instead."
~William Law
Question "Are your decisions based on how your choices will help to build the Lord's kingdom? If needed, how can you change?
I think for the most part most Latter-day Saints try their best to build up the kingdom of God, through their callings, visiting and home teaching, compassionate service, and of course through tithing. I think we can all do better, especially in child rearing to really focus our children's attention to the importance of putting God first in their lives. I certainly struggle with consistency in this and other areas, and many parents that I know do also. Our children are the future leaders of our church and our country, what kind of people do we want them to grow up to be?
Today's reading assignment put me in mind of Elder Hollands talk this conference. Elder Holland echoed many of the same teachings that Jacob taught about the children and wives crying unto the Lord for the pains they suffered because of the unrighteous behavior of their husbands and fathers. I guess they had many of the same problems in that day that we do now. Of course, they didn't have pornography available like we do today, and other conveniences, however, there were obviously heartbroken wives for a reason. It saddens me to think that Satan has a grasp on so many men that they are willing to throw their families away for naught.
I also find it interesting that Jacob talks about the Lamanites being more righteous in the sense of their marriages. That the Lamanite husbands had one wife, and were faithful to their wife, and they loved their wife, and the wife loved her husband, and they both loved their children. Even though they had other ways of being less righteous, they kept that commandment, and they were blessed as a people for that obedience. I think we see that today as well, there are lots of Christians that struggle with faithfulness, and there are many non-Christians that sincerely love their families and would never even consider unfaithfulness.
One of the other topics Jacob discussed with his people was pride and riches. Gee, do we have that problem today....hmmm....let me think about that? Goodness, we have channels on tv that are dedicated to what people in "Hollywood" are wearing, and what they are doing, and what houses and cars, and other things they have. I'd say we have a problem with pride and riches as well. Jacob's warning is just as valid today when he says "But before ye seek for riches, seek ye for the kingdom of God." (Hey, I think someone needs to remind our government of this!) :)

Monday, April 12, 2010

2 Nephi 31- Jacob 1

Quote "When we understand our baptismal covenant and the gift of the Holy Ghost, it will change our lives and will establish our total allegiance to the kingdom of God. When temptations come our way, if we will listen, the Holy Ghost will remind us that we have promised to remember our Savior and obey the commandments of God."
~Elder Robert D. Hales
Question "Sometimes we take our baptism for granted. What do you do to remember and increase your appreciation for your baptism?"
I love love love the last chapter in Nephi. Nephi 33 is by far my favorite chapter in the whole Book of Mormon. I love Nephi. I love his plainness, and his testimony sealed on those pages for everyone to see. I cannot read this chapter and not know that the Book of Mormon is true. I don't know how anyone could think that Joseph Smith a young boy could write this on his own, and make up such an intricate story. Nephi was a real man, and he kept those plates. And he said it best "...hearken unto these words and believe in Christ; and if ye believe not in these words believe in Christ. And if ye shall believe in Christ ye will believe in these words, for they are the words of Christ, and he hath given them unto me; and they teach all men that they should do good." Nephi's only purpose, Joseph Smith's only purpose, and President Monson's only purpose is to persuade man to believe in Christ and do good.
I know that the Book of Mormon is true, and I know that the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the true church on the face of the earth. I am grateful to be a member of it. And in answer to today's question about my baptismal covenants, I think about them every week when I partake of the sacrament, and I think about them every time I am trying to teach my children to keep the commandments, and trying to get them to think about living their lives in a way that is pleasing to their Father in Heaven. I don't think anyone on earth will have a "full" appreciation of their baptism until after this life, when it all comes together in a way that is easy to see and understand for everyone. In any case, I'm grateful for the gift and example of baptism and to have had this wonderful experience in my life.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

2 Nephi 28-30

Quote "There are at least three dangers that threaten the church within, and the authorities need to awaken to the fact that the people should be warned unceasingly against them. As I see these, they are flattery of prominent men in the world, false educational ideas, and sexual impurity."
~President Joseph F. Smith
Question "What are you doing to avoid being deceived?"
Well, in my opinion, the only way to avoid being deceived is to pray about each and every decision, and listen and obey the promptings that come from the Holy Ghost. Of course you have to know how the Holy Ghost prompts you, in order to follow the feelings. The more that you pray and read your scriptures, the better you understand the Spirit's teachings.
Have I always done these things....obviously not...nor do I think I will do things perfectly from this day....however, the more these things are thought about, the more I will try to act upon them, and that is my purpose here.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

2 Nephi 26-27

Quote "Looking for the path to safety in the counsel of prophets makes sense to those with strong faith...the choice not to take prophetic counsel changes the very ground upon which we stand. It becomes more dangerous. The failure to take prophetic counsel lessens our power to take inspired counsel in the future. The best time to have decided to help Noah build the ark was the first time he asked. Each time he asked after that, each failure to respond would have lessened sensitivity to the Spirit. And so each time his request would have seemed more foolish, until the rain came. And then it was too late.
~Elder Henry B. Eyring
Question "How does following the prophet keep you safe?"
I think one of the most important things to realize is that following the prophet's counsel does not guarantee a problem-free life. When I think of Joseph Smith and those that believed and followed his counsel suffered great things. They were also protected from things seen and unseen....and so it is today. Following the counsels of the prophets definitely offers protection on this earth, but, I believe it does more for the protection of our eternal souls.
We have latter-day prophecies such as the word of wisdom which is more of a protection on this earth, and we also have the family proclamation which offers guidance to happiness here on earth, and in the eternities to come.
I feel very blessed to have a living prophet that counsels us, and helps us through the various trials in our lives. We are always going to have battles, some days more than others, but heeding our prophets voice, just like we listen to the prophets from the scriptures can strengthen us, guide us, and comfort us through any and all of life's trials, if we just stop to listen.

Friday, April 9, 2010

2 Nephi 24-25

Quote "Literally, the Atonement means to be 'at one' with Him. The nature of the Atonement and its effects is so infinite, so unfathomable, and so profound that it lies beyond the knowledge and comprehension of mortal man. I am profoundly grateful for the principle of saving grace...The overwhelming message of the Atonement is the perfect love the Savior has for each and all of us. It is a love which is full of mercy, patience, grace, equity, long-suffering, and above all, forgiving."
~President James E. Faust
Question "How do you experience the Savior's love?
This question brings to mind the lyrics to one of my favorite songs:
I feel my Savior's love
In all the world around me
His spirit warms my soul
Through everything I see
He knows I will follow Him
Give all my life to Him
I feel my Savior's love
The love He freely gives me
I feel my Savior's love
Its gentleness enfolds me
And when I kneel to pray
My heart is filled with peace
He knows I will follow Him
Give all my life to Him
I feel my Savior's love
The love He freely gives me
I feel my Savior's love
And know that He will bless me
I offer Him my heart
My shepherd He will be
He knows I will follow Him
Give all my life to Him
I feel my Savior's love
The love He freely gives me
I'll share my Savior's love
By serving others freely
In serving I am blessed
In giving I receive
He knows I will follow Him
Give all my life to Him
I feel my Savior's love
The love He freely gives me.
Actually, it brings another song to mind, which my sister and I sang at our sister's funeral:
Our Savior's love
Shines like the sun with perfect light
As from above
It breaks through clouds of strife
Lighting our way
It leads us back into His sight
Where we may stay
To share eternal life
The spirit voice
Of goodness whispers to our hearts
A better choice
Than evil's anguished cries
Loud may the sound
Of hope ring 'til all doubt departs
And we are bound
To Him by loving ties
Our Father, God
Of all creation hear us pray
In reverence, awed
By Thy Son's sacrifice
Praises we sing
We love Thy law
We will obey
Our Heavenly King
In Thee
Our hearts rejoice
Clearly, I experience His love through music. I love music, especially the hymns, and primary songs....I LOVE THEM! When I was the primary chorister, I always told my kids to "sing their testimonies!" That's what I do, every time I sing a hymn, it is sung as my testimony!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

2 Nephi 19-23

Quote "The Standard of Truth has been erected; no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing; persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame, but the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent, till it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished, and the Great Jehovah shall say the work is done."
~ Joseph Smith
Question "What part do you in these prophecies?"

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

2 Nephi 14-18

Quote "Today's popular entertainment often makes what is evil and wrong look enjoyable and right. Let us remember the Lord's counsel: 'Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil.' Pornography, though billed by Satan as entertainment, is a deeply poisonous, deceptive snake that lies coiled up in magazines, the Internet, and the television."
~Elder David E. Sorensen
Question "What helps you to see things for what they really are"

This is an interesting, philosophical question. And it is interesting that this question came about today because last night I stumbled upon PBS and they were running part two of "The Mormons". I watched as they talked about Mormonism as though it were just one more religion on the earth, and they tried to give both sides (according to them) of the history of the church, and of our sacred ordinances.
I wonder if most people that believe in God, or that are members of other churches know anything about the origin of their religion...who founded it, when, how, why? I wonder this because so many people are so critical of Joseph Smith and the exactness of what happened in the days of the early church. Well, why not worry about finding out more about what you believe instead of trying to find fault with what we believe.
Secondly, I wonder if most people that belong to other churches, believe in their religion so much, that they would gladly volunteer their time, energy and talents to keep it running. If they did not have a paid clergy, would they be willing to give everything to have it? Would they be willing to give 10% of what they earn? Would they give a significant period of their life to go and preach what they believe to be true so that others could benefit from it?
I have heard many things in my life against the church, and against Joseph Smith. I have seen "documentaries" on tv, I have heard friends and non-friends say things that are very negative about the church, its history, its teachings, and its leaders. I'm sure that many members of the church have heard similar things. Which is why I'm so grateful that our church not only teaches, but encourages "personal revelation". You want to know if something is true? Pray about it....wait for an answer.
So, in answer for today's question....what helps me to see things for what they really are....this could be very confusing if I did not have one thing....the Holy Ghost. You see, I live in the world, and the world if very convincing that we should just live it up in the world, and that living within the means of organized religion is restriction from fun. The world says that religion is only here because man is afraid of death, so we have to invent something to help us "cope" with it. Well, to those nay-sayers, I would say that is so not why I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
I see things for what the "really" are because I am a member of this church, which answers ALL of life's most thought provoking questions. I've heard so many people on tv say things like "God doesn't care what religion you are" though all religions are made up, and He doesn't care how we worship Him....Buddhist, Christian, Muslim...whatever. Come on! The truth is that the reason that Christianity still exists, and stood the test of time is because JESUS CHRIST IS REAL. HE LIVES. I don't know that the Mormon church is true because of something I read, or heard, or saw. I know that the Mormon church is true because of the feelings that I have had while I have read the Book of Mormon, and the feelings I get when I hear the General Authorities speak conference, and the feelings I get when I see the church in action. I was the primary chorister for 4 years. I taught little children ranging in age of 3-12 primary songs about Jesus. I have never in my life felt the spirit more strong then when listening to those little angels sing those songs.
The Church of Jesus Christ is the true church upon the face of the earth. I just had this discussion the other day with my son who asked about what his friends at school believed. I respect all Christian religions, I think anyone that believes in Jesus Christ has light. Those that believe nothing are like a person standing in a pitch black room. Some people believe in Christ, but don't live any of His teachings...I equate this to having a nightlight in that room. Some believe, and do a little more to follow Him, and I equate that to a flashlight. There are some that have enough faith and knowledge that can turn on the lights in the room. But is there any light brighter than the sun filling the room? This church, to me, is like the Sun. We have its fullness and warmth and beauty filling our lives.
So, I can listen to the wisdom of the world....but it goes against everything I have ever felt. I know that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is true. I know that this life is just an inkling in our existence. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet, and an imperfect man. I know he was imperfect because if we was perfect we would worship him...he didn't want that. Jesus Christ was the only person to live a perfect life, and He is the light and life of the world. If a man be a true prophet, he will not seek any glory of himself, but urge you to believe in the teachings of Christ, and to follow Him. That is how I know that Joseph Smith was a true prophet, and also Nephi, and all the other prophets in the scriptures. They delight in truth, and they were sickened by the sins of their brethren. True prophets don't ask you to do more than they themselves do. The Church of Jesus Christ has so many programs and every single one of them is inspired of the Lord, from the nursery, to the welfare, to the missionary programs. This church is led and inspired by Jesus Christ.
To those who don't believe...may I quote one of my favorite movies "The Count of Monte Cristo"...."I don't believe in God." "It doesn't matter, He believes in you." And so it is, believe what you like, live how you want, but after your days here on earth, you will see your maker, and there will be no denying that He is real, and you will be judged according to your knowledge, and your works. "Every knee will bow, every tongue will confess."

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

2 Nephi 10-13

Quote "I can visualize an army of righteous youth prepared and worthy to attend the temple. I can see families sealed together for eternity. I can see youth who understand what it means to be 'saviours...on mount Zion.' I can see youth whose hearts are turned to their fathers. And I can envision youth growing up in such a way that they will come forth from the temples filled with strength to resist worldly pressures. I can see a generation of youth who will ' holy places, and be not moved.'"
~ Sister Elaine S. Dalton
Question "Why do you think Isaiah compares the temple to a mountain?
I have to base this with the fact that Isaiah is very difficult to understand, since he speaks in apocolyptic form. I need to get me a copy of "Isaiah for Dummies" least I think I've seen that before. I can understand small parts, then it will go on to talk about things, I truly don't understand. This is why I am so grateful to have the Book of Mormon. As much as I love the Bible, if it was all we had, it would be much more difficult to understand the truth!

Monday, April 5, 2010

2 Nephi 8-9

Quote "Keeping everything in balance can be a real problem...Often the lack of clear direction and goals can waste away our time and energy and contribute to imbalance in our lives...Our main goal should be to seek "immortality and eternal life." With this as our goal, why not eliminate from our lives the things that clamor for and consume our thoughts, feelings, and energies without contributing to our reaching that goal?"
~ Elder M. Russell Ballard
Question "How do you spend your time, money and energy?"
How do I spend my time, money and energy???? Well, let's just say that I won't be lifted up to join the city of Enoch any time soon. :) I definitely have struggled keeping everything in "balance" as the quote above says.
Time wise, I could be a lot more efficient, and a lot more conscience of my spiritual goals....have a waaayyyys to go with the time thing....but at least I can admit I have a problem...and that is the first step! :)
Money? Well, I have been fortunate enough to have had enough financial troubles, that even though a part of me will always want to have nicer things, and more things, the majority of me has learned enough lessons, and realized that those things DO NOT bring the most happiness. I'm sure I still have plenty to learn, but I feel pretty good about trying not to just spend on frivolous things. Maybe when I have more money, this will be harder, however, I hope that I'm strong enough that "worldly purchases" won't be such a huge dilemma.
Energy....hmmm....definitly lacking in this one! I am so tired most of the time, so I have to really try to spend my energy doing the most important things on my list....I sort of grew up this way. My family calls this "crisis management". Or in other words "the squeaky wheel gets the oil". When I have 100 things on my to-do list and enough energy to do 5 of them, I have to prioritize. Sometimes, this leaves important things lacking, but hey, all we can do is try our best, right?

2 Nephi 4-7

Quote "No father, no son, no mother, no daughter should get so busy that he or she does not have time to study the scriptures and the words of modern prophets. None of us should get so busy that we crowd out contemplation and praying."
~ President Spencer W. Kimball
Question "What is it that brings a person to love the scriptures?
For me, the answer is the Spirit. I feel the Spirit when I read my scriptures, and I love to feel the Spirit, so naturally, I want to read them more. I think also, when you read them, and you see similarities of things you might be going through or feeling, and it gives you comfort to know that there is somewhere you can go to help give you answers, or that you are not alone in your own trials. I also have to say that when I read certain stories, for instance, about Captain Moroni, and the 2,000 stripling warriors, I just love them so much, and I love the stories about them. Learning to love and appreciate the prophets, and what they went through, makes me love the scriptures even more!
PS ~ I found this quote ironic, since yesterday was Easter Sunday, and I was too busy to blog this yesterday. hahaha....that's why I'm doing this to learn to be better! (I guess I have a loooonnng way to go)

Saturday, April 3, 2010

2 Nephi 2-3

Quote "Happiness is the object and design of our existence; and will be the end thereof, if we pursue the path that leads to it; and this path is virtue, uprightness, faithfulness, holiness, and keeping all the commandments of God."
~ Joseph Smith
Question "What brings you true happiness?"
Joseph Smith already said it best in the above quote. The only "real" happiness comes from the Lord, and in keeping His commandments.
I think that it is hard for people in this world to feel real happiness, and only catch glimpses of it throughout their lives. There are many who battle depression, and those that are physically, spiritually, and emotionally suffering.....can they be "happy"? I'm not sure if complete "true" happiness exists on this earth, or if there are just moments where we feel it.....but I know with all my heart, that after this life, we will know "true" happiness. Just the thought of seeing my Savior, face to face, to see & feel how much He loves me, it makes me happy just thinking of throwing my arms around Him, and thanking Him for all He has done for me.
To those that are suffering at the hands of others I would quote Lehi "...And behold, in thy childhood thou hast suffered afflictions and much sorrow, because of the rudeness of thy brethren. Nevertheless....thou knowest the greatness of God; and he shall consecrate thine afflictions for they gain."
Because of the gift of free agency, I've always compared happiness and misery to a balance. The more suffering and misery you encounter, the greater joy and happiness you can feel. Just like Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden before they partook of the forbidden fruit didn't know how wonderful it was, until they were thrown out into the dreary world. Through our ability to overcome sorrow and pain, also comes the ability to feel greater joy and appreciation for the blessings around us. I don't know if everyone feels like that or not, but in my family growing up, we suffered many things, and I have learned to enjoy that which is good in any situation, because of those things.
I try to be a happy person every day, some days I am more successful than others. But it gives me comfort to know through the hard times, that my Heavenly Father WANTS me to be HAPPY!

Friday, April 2, 2010

1 Nephi 22 - 2 Nephi 1

Quote "If Satan could but capture our minds, he would have won the battle and the war. He can only do this if we let him. If we refuse to walk with him, he will have no power over us, for God gave us our free agency and Satan cannot take it away. So what I am suggesting is that we refuse to even walk on the same street with Satan. In other words, not only should we avoid evil, we should avoid the very appearance of evil."

~Bishop Victor L. Brown

Question "How can Satan be bound in his efforts to influence you?"

I would love to say that living righteously is the way to bind Satan in his influence over me....but from my experience, the more I try to do what's right, and keep the commandments, Satan tries even harder to influence me. If I were righteous enough I suppose, maybe it wouldn't even be an issue, but unfortunately, I've never reached that point. I will say, however, that keeping the commandments offer us more protection from Satan, so even though he may be trying to influence us, we are better prepared to defeat him. So, keeping the commandments is really the only way to keep Satan from influencing our every action.

Today's reading made me sad. For the state of our great Nation is in peril. In 2 Nephi 1:10 Lehi says "But behold, when the time cometh that they shall dwindle in unbelief, after they have received so great blessings from the hand of the Lord - having a knowledge of the creation of the earth, and all men, knowing the great and marvelous works of the Lord from the creation of the world; having power given them to do all things by faith; having all the commandments from the beginning, and having been brought by his infinite goodness into this precious land of promise - behold, I say, if the day shall come that they will reject the Holy One of Israel, the true Messiah, their Redeemer and their God, behold, the judgements of him that is just shall rest upon them. " I know that there are a lot of really good Christian people in our country, but not all of them are speaking up. And the few that are not Christians are seemingly getting their way on way too many issues....and it's going to keep getting worse if all of us don't stand together and say "Enough!" I am so saddened that my children have to grow up in a world where "evil is called good, and good is called evil". I hope and pray that those of us that are out there, will use our influence upon our children to teach them to walk uprightly before the Lord, and that they will be able to bind Satan from influencing them through their utter righteousness!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Typical Day for 2

Naughty Boy
(BTW why is "dumping" buckets so much fun for a kid?)
Aww, good boy! I hep you mamma! My methsss all ceaned up!

1 Nephi 19-21

Quote "May I commend you faithful Saints who are striving to flood the earth and your lives with the Book of Mormon. Not only must we move forward in a monumental manner more copies of the Book of Mormon, but we must move boldly forward into our own lives and throughout the earth more of its marvelous messages. This sacred volume was written for us - for our day. Its scriptures are to be likened unto ourselves."
~President Ezra Taft Benson
Question "How do the things you read in the scriptures relate to your life?
I have to admit that today I am sick, and can barely focus on the things I read. It took me a long time to read today. I will simply say the answer to the question, which is for me, that everything in the Book of Mormon relates to today. The same things are happening today, that happened in times of old. Maybe the exact circumstances are different, but the problems are pretty much the same. So, it is a guide and a comfort to have the scriptures as a tool to navigate our way through this swirling soup of darkness that we has us constantly surrounded.
P.S. If this doesn't turn out to make sense, it is because my head weighs 100 lbs right now, and thinking is really really hard.