Friday, April 16, 2010

Jacob 6 - Enos

Quote "How many of you, with or without serious transgressions, have ever prayed all day and into the night? Have you ever wept and prayed for many hours? How many of you have prayed for five hours? for one? for thirty minutes? for ten?"
~President Spencer W. Kimball
Question "How often do you cry unto the Lord in mighty prayer? How can you make prayer more meaningful?"

I can't say that I have ever prayed the whole day and night, nor even many hours in a row. I have had experiences of what I consider to be mighty prayer. I don't know that I am capable of having "mighty prayer" every day. For me, the mighty prayers have been when I have faced something difficult, or have great concern for my children, or something more than just the usual day to day.
I feel that I have grown in prayer over the years, however, I still struggle with several things about prayer. I know that it is the devil that teacheth a man not to pray. I also believe that we should not counsel the Lord. I feel like we should pray for our brethren, but not like a laundry list of "bless him with this, and bless them with with this, and help her and help him, etc..."
For me personally, I think prayer is for man, not for is our link to Him. And I feel prayer should be filled with mostly gratitude, and offering up the desires of our hearts, and that we should be praying for the will of the Father to be done.
I have known many people (including myself) that at some point in their lives have been like "I've been praying for this, and it's not happening, or the Lord isn't answering me in the way I want...". Along with praying, we need to remember to listen for the answers, and sometimes they don't come until years later. The Lord's timing is not our timing. He already knows our needs better than we do.
I don't like to say the same things in my prayers every time, yet, how can you not ever repeat things? So, for me it is a struggle to pray several times a day, when I haven't thought of anything new to pray about, and I do carry a prayer in my heart throughout many days. But I have had an experience in my life not too long ago (about 2 years or so) that I finally uttered the words "Thy will be done" in my prayer and meant it. It was VERY difficult for me to say those words because of the circumstances in which I was praying about. I really wanted what I wanted, and didn't want to really accept anything different. Since then, I have had peace and reassurance that it is better for the Lord's will to be done than ours, because He sees the big eternal picture, we just see our hardships on this earth. In any case, I still have much to learn about how to pray, and what to pray for, and how to listen to the answers to prayer. But, I am grateful for the power of prayer in my life, and that I can talk to my Father in Heaven, who I know loves me and knows me better than I know myself.

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