Wednesday, April 7, 2010

2 Nephi 14-18

Quote "Today's popular entertainment often makes what is evil and wrong look enjoyable and right. Let us remember the Lord's counsel: 'Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil.' Pornography, though billed by Satan as entertainment, is a deeply poisonous, deceptive snake that lies coiled up in magazines, the Internet, and the television."
~Elder David E. Sorensen
Question "What helps you to see things for what they really are"

This is an interesting, philosophical question. And it is interesting that this question came about today because last night I stumbled upon PBS and they were running part two of "The Mormons". I watched as they talked about Mormonism as though it were just one more religion on the earth, and they tried to give both sides (according to them) of the history of the church, and of our sacred ordinances.
I wonder if most people that believe in God, or that are members of other churches know anything about the origin of their religion...who founded it, when, how, why? I wonder this because so many people are so critical of Joseph Smith and the exactness of what happened in the days of the early church. Well, why not worry about finding out more about what you believe instead of trying to find fault with what we believe.
Secondly, I wonder if most people that belong to other churches, believe in their religion so much, that they would gladly volunteer their time, energy and talents to keep it running. If they did not have a paid clergy, would they be willing to give everything to have it? Would they be willing to give 10% of what they earn? Would they give a significant period of their life to go and preach what they believe to be true so that others could benefit from it?
I have heard many things in my life against the church, and against Joseph Smith. I have seen "documentaries" on tv, I have heard friends and non-friends say things that are very negative about the church, its history, its teachings, and its leaders. I'm sure that many members of the church have heard similar things. Which is why I'm so grateful that our church not only teaches, but encourages "personal revelation". You want to know if something is true? Pray about it....wait for an answer.
So, in answer for today's question....what helps me to see things for what they really are....this could be very confusing if I did not have one thing....the Holy Ghost. You see, I live in the world, and the world if very convincing that we should just live it up in the world, and that living within the means of organized religion is restriction from fun. The world says that religion is only here because man is afraid of death, so we have to invent something to help us "cope" with it. Well, to those nay-sayers, I would say that is so not why I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
I see things for what the "really" are because I am a member of this church, which answers ALL of life's most thought provoking questions. I've heard so many people on tv say things like "God doesn't care what religion you are" though all religions are made up, and He doesn't care how we worship Him....Buddhist, Christian, Muslim...whatever. Come on! The truth is that the reason that Christianity still exists, and stood the test of time is because JESUS CHRIST IS REAL. HE LIVES. I don't know that the Mormon church is true because of something I read, or heard, or saw. I know that the Mormon church is true because of the feelings that I have had while I have read the Book of Mormon, and the feelings I get when I hear the General Authorities speak conference, and the feelings I get when I see the church in action. I was the primary chorister for 4 years. I taught little children ranging in age of 3-12 primary songs about Jesus. I have never in my life felt the spirit more strong then when listening to those little angels sing those songs.
The Church of Jesus Christ is the true church upon the face of the earth. I just had this discussion the other day with my son who asked about what his friends at school believed. I respect all Christian religions, I think anyone that believes in Jesus Christ has light. Those that believe nothing are like a person standing in a pitch black room. Some people believe in Christ, but don't live any of His teachings...I equate this to having a nightlight in that room. Some believe, and do a little more to follow Him, and I equate that to a flashlight. There are some that have enough faith and knowledge that can turn on the lights in the room. But is there any light brighter than the sun filling the room? This church, to me, is like the Sun. We have its fullness and warmth and beauty filling our lives.
So, I can listen to the wisdom of the world....but it goes against everything I have ever felt. I know that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is true. I know that this life is just an inkling in our existence. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet, and an imperfect man. I know he was imperfect because if we was perfect we would worship him...he didn't want that. Jesus Christ was the only person to live a perfect life, and He is the light and life of the world. If a man be a true prophet, he will not seek any glory of himself, but urge you to believe in the teachings of Christ, and to follow Him. That is how I know that Joseph Smith was a true prophet, and also Nephi, and all the other prophets in the scriptures. They delight in truth, and they were sickened by the sins of their brethren. True prophets don't ask you to do more than they themselves do. The Church of Jesus Christ has so many programs and every single one of them is inspired of the Lord, from the nursery, to the welfare, to the missionary programs. This church is led and inspired by Jesus Christ.
To those who don't believe...may I quote one of my favorite movies "The Count of Monte Cristo"...."I don't believe in God." "It doesn't matter, He believes in you." And so it is, believe what you like, live how you want, but after your days here on earth, you will see your maker, and there will be no denying that He is real, and you will be judged according to your knowledge, and your works. "Every knee will bow, every tongue will confess."

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