Sunday, April 18, 2010

Mosiah 1-2

Quote "Our focus should be on righteousness, not recognition; on service, not status. The faithful visiting teacher, who quietly goes about her work month after month, is just as important to the work of the Lord as those who occupy what some see as more prominent positions in the Church. Visibility does not equate to value...When we understand why we serve we will not worry about where we serve."
~President Howard W. Hunter
Question "How often do you serve?"
I love this my opinion, if you are a mother.....24 hours a day. There are lots of ways to serve, and everyone has their own experiences with this, so I will not address how I serve, or people in the church serve.
I will, however, address the service of our government leaders. I am just sickened at the state of our Nation. I've always loved history, especially American history, and I know that the men that started this Nation would not want it to be this way today.
In today's reading assignment, King Benjamin addresses his people before he dies. In the first part of his speech, he talks to them about his service as their King. He told them that he was called to be their king, and worked diligently at it every day, and that he labored with his own hands in service to his people, and that he did not burden his people with heavy taxes, so that he could just sit and live comfortably. He was righteous, and he led by example. He even goes on to humbly say that he wouldn't even bring it up (because he is not just boasting), but he tells them what kind of leadership they should look for in their land. Don't try to live off of someone else's living. Work hard every day, help others in need, live charitably, and don't try to just sit there while someone else is paying for everything you need (those that are able I'm talking about). I would love to have every politician read King Benjamin's address, and hope that if they did, it might shake them to their core for their greediness, and selfishness. The majority of people in "service" to our nation are looking out for themselves, and look at it as a job to make a living at, and not what can I do to help the people of this nation be better.
That is my peace for now.....I'm sure there will be much more to come on that subject!

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